On Monday 22nd February please can Class Oak report to the main office and go through the hall to the music room please (your temporary classroom before we broke up for the half term break).
Class Horse Chestnut, please can you report to the main office and go straight through to the hall. This will be your classroom for the next week at least.
Class Silver Birch, please can you report to FS2 Classroom. Please go past Class Horse Chestnut entrance and enter the FS2 classroom via the canopy please, near to playgroup. Please do not enter via the cloakroom and toilets.
At the end of the day, all the above named classes will be brought out onto the main playground. Class Silver Birch will be on the corner, near the wooden fencing. Class Oak and Class Horse Chestnut will be near the main office. Thank you
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.