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English 3 I's statement


At Walesby, we use Echo  Reading and the Reciprocal Reading approach for teaching reading in class, to help the children to become more fluent readers, understand, enjoy and analyse a text.


Echo reading:

–To help learners focus on their reading fluency, various aspects of reading aloud have been separated into six key elements. Each aspect works in partnership with the others to produce a rich and vibrant reading performance:
–Pitch: The musicality of the reading voice – including tone and intonation.
–Power: The strength given to the reading voice – including volume and stress.
–Pace: The speed and rhythm at which we read.
–Punctuation: The adherence to and understanding of the marks an author has placed upon the page.
–Pause: The knowing of when not to read and for how long.
–Passion: The emotion of the reading – including empathy and sympathy and the development of a reader’s love for the written word.

Reciprocal reading:

  • Prediction - what do you think is going to happen?
  • Clarification - what are the meanings of unfamiliar words or where are places?
  • Questioning - these follow the content domain from the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2
  • Summarising - what have you read about?


Children's decoding and comprehension reading ages are assessed termly so that we can ensure children are on the appropriate level book band for their stage of learning. Children are encouraged to read daily and half-termly rewards are given for achieving a certain number of reads.


Children are also able to choose a book themselves from our library to enjoy at home with their parents and carers, alongside their book banded reading book.


In EYFS, reading books are matched to the stage of their phonics learning, as well as children having an additional book to read for pleasure, with home support.


Book recommendations for quality children's literature

Have a look at the suggested texts for FS2, KS1 and KS2 and read something new today!

Stories and Rhymes


We follow the Jason Wade 'Sounds and Syllables' approach to spelling. Each word is broken down into its syllables and then each of the sounds, within each syllable, are identified.


Children have weekly 'Sounds and Syllables' spelling lessons, which link directly to the spellings they take home to learn for weekly tests.


The use of sounds and syllables to support spelling is promoted across the curriculum.

Spelling support
Phonics at Walesby

We use the Sounds Write approach to phonics at Walesby. This is organised into The Initial Code and The Extended Code. Please see our Phonics Policy for more information.


Please use the link below to our phonics information section

Grammar and Punctuation

Grammar sessions are taught using Jason Wade's 'Rainbow Grammar' system.


Children learn about a key grammatical concept that they are able to link to a colour and build up their sentence construction ,throughout school, using more complex forms of grammar as they progress towards year six.


Grammar is taught within a sequence of work in English, not in isolation.


In addition to this, 'Daily Grammar' morning tasks help the children to revisit and recall prior learning.

Grammar and punctuation support


Writing is taught using Pie Corbett's 'Talk for Writing' approach.

Quality texts are shared, enjoyed and discussed in each class. Their structure is broken down and used to support the children in their own writing.


Children will:

  • orally rehearse sentences
  • complete shared writing tasks
  • use pictures as prompts for writing
  • use sentence types as a model for supporting their own work


Children edit and improve their writing using headings such as sentence patterns, technical elements, and ambitious vocabulary to help them identify strengths within their writing, as well as looking for areas for improvements.
