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Curriculum Statement


As a Church of England school, the Christian faith is at the heart of all we do at Walesby, not only in what we teach, but in how we teach. We uphold the C of E’s values and entwine them with our ‘Walesby Way’ and R.I.C.H values, so that children become confident, resilient individuals, ready to foster a  life-long love of learning, allowing them to flourish in all that they do.


At Walesby C of E Primary School, our broad and balanced curriculum is carefully designed, organised and planned for depth of learning. This enables our children to use their skills and understanding, in all areas of the curriculum. Children are not merely covering the curriculum, but developing an enquiring mind, that makes links with prior learning enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of the knowledge, skills and vocabulary within subjects.


Our engaging curriculum is linked to the National Curriculum and Development Matters for EYFS 2021, and makes connections with our local area and its history. At the same time, we aim to prepare our children for life in the wider world and community, and plan in activities, visitors and visits to provide them with the opportunities to experience “life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).

Each class produces Newsletters with information about their learning each half term. You can read these here:

If you require further information about our curriculum please speak to your child's class teacher or email the office -

 Staff are always happy to answer any of your questions.

Curriculum Support for Parents


Each half term, your child will receive a curriculum newsletter outlining what they will be learning in all subjects.


Twice a year, you will be invited to attend a Pupil Progress Parents' Meeting to review your child's progress where you will also receive a mini-report to summarise the meeting.


You will be invited into school for parent information evenings in EYFS, phonics and KS2 SATs, as well as any other new curriculum areas, in order to support you with helping your child at home.


Weblinks can also be found on our class pages and on our subject pages, to support at home.


If you have any further questions about our curriculum please do not hesitate to contact school.


