‘A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.’
Marcus Garvey
At Walesby C of E Primary, we aim to help our children think and work as young historians. We want our children to Learn without limits, making meaningful cross-curricular links and utilising opportunities outside the classroom to enrich experience. The teaching and love of history is enhanced through story and rich text.
The study of history involves engaging our children in investigating questions about people and events in the past in order to enable them to better understand their lives today and for a future as more informed and enlightened citizens.
Through the study of history our children also develop a wide range of critical thinking skills, which enable them to understand the contested nature of knowledge and to distinguish between ‘fact’ and subjectivity when it comes to reaching conclusions and making judgements about the past. With this in mind, our curriculum is organised into a 2-year cycle for Year 1/2 , Year 3 /4 and Year 5 & 6 and a 1 year cycle for FS2.
At Walesby, we want to create reflective, engaged and excited learners. Our children are encouraged to be curious and ask questions. We aim to develop them to be independent and to have a mind- set where they are able to develop their own learning further and make the links with prior learning.
Through creating these opportunities, we aim to create independent learners, creating a cycle of success. Our children are encouraged to recognise that failure and mistakes are all part of the learning process, encouraging them to take risks and develop perseverance and resilience.
In the EYFS, our children will be learning history through:
Understanding the World
Children will…
At the end of the Foundation stage children will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals within the EYFS statutory framework:
ELG: Past and Present
Children will…
EYFS | ||
Who lives in a house like this?
Let’s Celebrate | Winter Wonderland – Where do the Inuits live?
How does your garden grow? | Up, up and Away!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! |
CYCLE A YEAR 1 &2 | |
THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON How do we know so much about what happened in the Great Fire of London? | Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally |
TOYS How do our favourite toys and games compare with those of the past? | Changes within living memory |
CASTLES Where were castles built and why? | Events beyond living memory |
CYCLE A YEAR 3 & 4 | |
STONE AGE TO IRON AGE How did the lives of ancient Britons change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age? | Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age |
THE ROMANS How did the arrival of the Romans Change Britain? | The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain |
EARLIEST CIVILISATIONS What do all the Ancient Civilisations have in common? | The achievements of the earliest civilisations – an overview of where and when the first civilisations appeared |
CYCLE A YEAR 5 & 6 | |
THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN Why was winning the battle of Britain in 1940 so important? How did WW2 change the communities in and around Sherwood Forest? | Significant event in British history |
THE ANCIENT GREEKS How can we find out about the civilisation of Ancient Greece? Can we thank the Ancient Greeks for anything in our lives today? | Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world |
MEDICINE THROUGH TIME How have the medical breakthroughs of the last two hundred and fifty years affected the lives of people in Britain? | A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 |
CYCLE B YEAR 1 &2 | |
SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE How have people helped to make the world a better place? | The lives of significant people who have contributed to national and international achievements |
GREAT EXPLORERS What does it take to become a great explorer? | The lives of significant people who have contributed to national and international achievements |
BRAVE NURSES Who helped us in the past? | The lives of significant people who have contributed to national and international achievements |
CYCLE B YEAR 3 & 4 | |
THE ANGLO-SAXONS How 'dark' were the Dark Ages? | Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots |
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS How can we discover what Ancient Egypt was like over 5,000 years ago? | A depth study of the achievements of one of the earliest civilizations- Ancient Egypt
THE VIKINGS Raiders or Settlers, how should we remember the Vikings ? | The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor |
CYCLE B YEAR 5 & 6 | |
THE GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAM What was life like in Baghdad during the Golden Age of Islam? | A non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – early Islamic Civilisation |
UNDER OUR FEET Why are there hills in Nottinghamshire? | Local history study
JOURNEYS TO BRITAIN - Black and British Why do people travel to Britain?
| A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 |