‘RE assists young people in becoming well-rounded individuals, helping them to understand their own identity, to respect others and the rights and responsibilities of fellow human beings.’ Religious Education for all - 2015
INTENT - How we have planned our RE curriculum:
As a Church of England School, the Christian faith is at the foundations of everything that we do at Walesby, not only in what we teach, but also in how we teach. Our approach to RE supports and compliments our school Christian values and the ‘Walesby Way.’
The ethos of our school - ‘providing a welcoming, secure and stimulating environment’ is reflected in our religious education programme that:
IMPLEMENTATION - How we teach our RE curriculum:
Our Christian values are rooted in all areas of our curriculum. Teachers are confident in their role of supporting children in their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Within our safe and nurturing community, our children will demonstrate that they:
RE Long Term Planning | ||||||
CYCLE A | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
UNIT | Belonging
| Diwali & Christmas (Gifts) Celebrations
| From Creation to Shabbat ( also includes Noah, Abraham) | Jesus and His Miracles
+ Easter | Visiting a Church + Pentecost
| Jewish Stories (Moses & Jonah) |
YEAR 1 / 2 | Belonging in families Caring in Families Belonging in schools Belonging in the community, intro Christianity/ other faiths Belonging to a Christian Family Intro Infant baptism – A Christening Experience Jesus’ baptism | Respecting others and introducing Hinduism. Hindu Celebration of Light – Diwali Christmas – gifts, Jesus’ birth Wise Men’s story and gifts How is Jesus’ Birthday Celebrated In Church? Jesus’ Gifts and Children’s Special Gifts.
| What’s important to the children? What’s important to Jews? Children’s own ideas about God. What can we learn from looking at the world & Jewish beliefs about Creation? Reflections on our Beautiful world How can we care for our Beautiful World? How do people talk to others? ….to God? Which people talked and listened to God? 1. Noah 2. Abraham How do Jews show their beliefs through Shabbat? Why is rest important to Jews/ everyone? How can Shabbat rest be taken into the week? | Jesus the Miracle Worker - feeding of the 5000, calming the sea Jesus – the Healer – paralysed man lowered through the roof Jesus the Healer – healing the blind man Jesus the Healer – healing the 10 lepers, Jairus’ daughter, (hem of robe woman) Being thankful for healing; asking for help | Do you have a special place? What are Christians’ Special places like? Going Inside – What happens at churches? /Wedding Experience Looking Inside Churches – What’s Inside? Preparation / Visit to a Church | Moses’ Birth Moses and Burning Bush What is Moses’ ( and your) decision? Moses and the Plagues and Escape Jonah and the Big Fish
UNIT | Signs, Symbols and Parables | Light and Dark + Christmas
| Hindu Worship | Brave People in the Bible
+ Easter | Pilgrimages + Pentecost
| Amazing Roller Coaster Rides in the Bible |
YEAR 3 / 4 | Introduction of signs, symbols; Christian symbols Introduction of non-literal language-idioms; parables Jesus’ parables: – general & The Persistent Widow – Hidden treasure & Pearl of Great Price –The Banquet/ 5 Wise and Foolish bridesmaids – The Sower | Light – Introduction & as a Christian symbol Light – Pentecost – Holy Spirit Comes What Happened After Pentecost? Saul to Paul – the influence of light Festival of Diwali and Story Exploring the Story behind the Festival of Diwali. Exploring the development of good qualities
| Introduction to India Introduction to Hinduism Hindu Beliefs about God Beliefs about Brahman, through investigating Ganesh Investigating what’s important to Hindus & the Children Exploring How Hindus Worship - Puja Exploring Where Hindus do Puja (at home) & Use of senses Where do Hindus Worship? Puja at the (temples) mandirs | Favourite sayings Investigating Amazing people in the Old Testament: -Noah -Abraham -David – Introduced through Hannah and Samuel - Samuel’s Call and David Anointed - David and Goliath -Esther -Daniel
| Children’s Special Places : Special Places of Worship for People with a Faith Introducing Pilgrimages Pilgrimages places including Jerusalem Christian Pilgrimages and Reasons for them Southwell Minster Visit, further Visit to Southwell Minster Main Muslim Pilgrimage Place - Hajj Sikh and Hindu Pilgrimages | Jonah’s Journey Joseph and His Multicoloured Coat Joseph and Pharaoh’s Dreams Joseph and Family Reunited, Esther |
UNIT | What’s Important; Exploring values | Muslim Families and Celebrations + Christmas | Beliefs in Action in the world/ Holocaust Centre
| Exploring the New Testament + Easter | Investigating Religions and Harmony, Near and Far + Pentecost | Expressing Faith through the Arts |
YEAR 5/6 | good/bad actions and behaviour Guidelines for Living -home and school choices of actions and moral dilemmas What helps Children make a decision from the Choices? Guidelines in 3 Religions Children’s Ideas Choices of Action in the Community -the Importance of Values | Muslim Families and Food – Halal Muslim Clothes The Qur’an Going to The Mosque Muslim Prayer and Wudu - cleansing Muslim Weddings Muslim Baby Welcoming and Naming Ceremony | understanding of Jewish religious practice in Europe before the Second World War. Investigation of the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust Use of case studies and survivor testimonies. to develop an accurate understanding of issues arising from Holocaust study, Question the nature of prejudice and discrimination, and how these may be challenged. Jewish community action in the UK today – Never Again - Respect for all. | Overview of New Testament Why did Peter, the Disciples & Paul risk their Lives for Jesus? Why did Peter and Paul and Christians today follow Jesus? ļ Teachings of Jesus Jesus’ 1st Commandment Jesus’ 2nd Commandment - How is it used? What were Jesus’ Other Teachings? Exploring Jesus’ other Teaching & a Moral Dilemma
| Investigating religions in children’s villages/towns. Diversity of religions in City eg Nottingham Hinduism in Nottingham and UK Hindu beliefs – Sacred scriptures, Cycle of life and Moksha Sikhism in Nottingham and UK Investigate Religions in UK and World / Non- Violence Harmony
| Different arts used by different faith groups Music – as a way of expressing faith Music in the Bible – Psalms Dance and Drama – other ways of expressing faith Expressing faith through the Arts in Hinduism Expressing faith through the Arts in Islam Expressing faith through the Arts in Christianity
RE Long Term Planning | ||||||
CYCLE B | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
UNIT | Jewish Celebrations and Stories (David, Daniel & Hanukkah) | Celebrations - Eid & Christmas ( Journeys | The Torah and Jewish stories Joseph,Moses-10commandments | Jesus and His Stories
+ Easter | Jesus’ Friends and Followers
+ Pentecost | Visiting a Synagogue
YEAR 1 / 2 | Introducing David David and Goliath Investigating the story of David and Goliath Daniel in the Lion’s den Hanukkah
| Respecting others Respecting others and introducing Islam and Muslims Muslim Festival of Eid
Mary and Joseph’s Journey Mary and Joseph’s Arrival at Bethlehem Other Visitors to Bethlehem At Bethlehem | Things that are special to us. Introducing the Torah Scrolls and Jewish people Learning from the Torah. Which rules do you use? Which stories are in the Torah?/ Introducing Joseph’s story Joseph – prison - becoming 2nd to Pharaoh Joseph’s Reunion with His Family | The Lost Sheep The Lost coin The Prodigal Son The Good Samaritan The Two Houses | Friendships & Jesus’ Teaching on Friendships Jesus’ friends & followers- The fishermen, Mary & Martha Introducing more friends and followers – valuing children Jesus’ Respect for all – Zacchaeus – became a follower Followers of Jesus – after he died Followers of Jesus – what happened to them? Peter – what happened to him- why did he change? How does Jesus Influence Christians today? Famous Followers of Jesus | What is a special place for Jewish people? What are Jewish Synagogues like? What do Jewish People wear in a Synagogue? Preparing for a Visit to a Synagogue. Visiting a Synagogue
UNIT | Detectives - Investigating Jesus
| Hindu Family Celebrations
+ Christmas | Jewish Celebrations and Family Life
| Miraculous Escapes (Daniel, Moses & Pesach)
+ Easter | Caring and Praying
+ Pentecost | Muhammad,pbuh Mosques and Prayer
YEAR 3 /4 | Jesus’ childhood Jesus’ teaching death - Investigate Jesus’ appearance Jesus’ Character – Jesus with a Close Friends – was he good /trustworthy? Was Jesus good/ trustworthy to his disciples? Jesus with the Crowds and Children Jesus with People who had few friends Jesus with the Despised Romans Other ways that Jesus behaved? – Investigate Miracles Jesus and the Religious Leaders Jesus about Himself | Introducing Hindu Family Celebrations and Holi Introducing Festival of Holi and celebrations Raksha Bandhan- sister/brother festival Hindu Festival – Janmashtami – Krishna’s Birthday An important time in a Hindu’s Life & family – Weddings and promises Hindu family celebrations - Weddings
| Judaism and Jewish artefacts Shabbat introduced The Shabbat Experience Other Jewish Ceremonies and Celebrations Jewish Traditions
| Daniel … in the Lion’s Den Daniel’s friends …. In the Fiery Furnace. Moses’ Childhood Moses. Burning Bush, Plagues & Red Sea Moses and the 10 commandments Moses Changes Passover – Jewish ‘Pesach’, celebrating Exodus | Introducing Caring and Praying – Answered Prayers Prayer Investigated; Unanswered prayers Jesus and Prayer More from Jesus – the Lord’s Prayer Investigating the Lord’s prayer in depth & Our Reactions Jesus – Earth like Heaven Music/ Creative Dance and Hopes | Introducing Muslim People and Islam Muslim people worship Allah Muhammad pbuh and the Revelation of the Qur’an Stories told about Muhammad pbuh Mosques – exterior Mosques – interior Muslim Prayer +Wudu
UNIT | Making a Difference | Exploring the Old Testament + Christmas | Investigating Religions and Respect, Further | Exploring Muslim Beliefs
+ Easter | Journey through Life
+ Pentecost | Beautiful World Wonderful God? |
YEAR 5 / 6 | Introducing Poverty and Injustices in the World What’s it like to be poor? What Practical Things help Poor Children? Who are Helping? – Modern Inspirational People Why are People Helping the poor? Why Do Christians Help – Jesus’ Teaching? Who Helps? – How do Charities help the Poor? How Can We Make a Difference in the World? | Exploring the Question – who is in the Bible? Who are these People Following? Exploring aspects of God Exploring – What is in the Bible? Where did events take place? Wisdom, Guidance, Inspiration. How and when was it written? – Translations, Dead Sea Scrolls How does Ruth inspire others? – Friendship/ Loyalty How does Joshua inspire others? – Trust in God; Courage | Religions in the Locality recalled. Christian Denominations & Community nvolvement. Introducing Diversity of Religions Sikhism in the City & UK – Further Investigation Where do Sikhs worship – Gurdwara ( or their home) How did Sikhism Originate – Sikh Founder – Guru Nanak Visit to Gurdwara /Respect OR Virtual Visit and Exploring Sikhism Further Hinduism in the City and UK – Worship; Hindu & Sikh Scriptures Hindu beliefs – dharma and karma Inspiring People in the World. Respect for others and their Beliefs; the Golden Rule. | Muslims/ The Qur’an and its revelations The First Mosque and the Muslim story of Bilal Allah Five Pillars of Islam / investigated Following Rules and Values Ramadan and Eid ul-Fitr
| Journeys through life ( The children’s journey so far) Celebrating Special Times in a Hindu’s life Hindu Sacred Thread Ceremony Christian and Jewish Journeys Through Life Stages in Life’s Journey Exploring Journeys Through Life | Big Questions about the World Exploring Theories about World’s Creation – Science & Religion - Religious views Exploring the Scientific View Recapping and Discussing Science and Religion – Conflicting or Complementary? Use of the Arts to Express our Beliefs and Theories Who is Responsible? What Happened? Consequences of Actions. Creation Spoiled; Caring for Our World Caring for Our Beautiful World Current Environment Issues |
Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City Agreed Syllabus
In November 2020, schools in both Nottinghamshire and the city of Nottingham were issued with the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, ‘RE for All’ 2021-2026.
Through the use of the Syllabus we use RE to enable our pupils to gain insight and knowledge to equip them as responsible members in our society. The Syllabus we follow encourages pupils to discover more about religion and world views on a range of topics. They are encouraged to express ideas and insights into key questions which face all human beings as we travel through life. They will take part in in-school lessons, visits and trips (including trips to places of worship).
The three fold aims of RE in Nottinghamshire will ensure that our pupils:
1. Know and understand a range of religions and world views which will allow them to recognise the diversity which exists in our society.
2. Can express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and the impact of religions and world views as they develop their own personal views on a range of issues
3. Develop and use skills which will assist them to engage seriously with religions and world views
By following the Agreed Syllabus, RE will contribute to a whole range of school priorities. Their study will promote spiritual, cultural, social and moral development, as well as enabling them to consider British Values such as tolerance and respect for other who hold different world views.
If you would like to know more about the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham City Agreed Syllabus a copy is available for you to read in the school.
Progression of skills and vocabulary documents are available on request to read in school.
In EYFS, RE focuses on developing a growing sense of the child’s awareness of self, their own community and their place within this.
It provides opportunities for children to investigate their feelings and relationships and to explore and wonder at the world around them.
Together, we love, learn and grow with God
Rights to withdraw from Religious Education
Parents have a legal right to withdraw their children from religious education, though we hope that any who may wish to do so will contact the school to discuss any matters of concern before making such a decision.
Holocaust Centre visit
Class Willow visited the Holocaust Centre, in Laxton. The children found this a fascinating place to visit. We followed the ‘journey’ of Leo, a 10 year old boy born in Germany in the 1930s, who was of Jewish faith. We found out about how his world was turned upside-down and how the lives of thousands of children were affected. We were able to explore rooms that had been set up as they would have been in 1930s Germany, from a sitting room, classroom and a tailor’s shop with its own hidden room. Being able to see first- hand pictures and artifacts donated from survivors of the holocaust, who were refugees during this time, was an invaluable part of their education.
'It made it feel so real.'
'Like stepping into their shoes.'
'It made it easy to understand, as I felt I was going through it.'