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Class Willow

Spring 1 2025

Welcome to Spring 1 2025,


I hope that you have all had an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year. 



As mathematicians, we will know about: algebraic reasoning, geometric reasoning, proportional reasoning, multiplicative reasoning, spatial reasoning and fraction reasoning.

We will continue to use Fluent in Five each morning to support our arithmetic skills.

Please remember to practice your times tables songs as this is really important to help you in all areas of maths.



As readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will read Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce. We will write character profiles, persuasive writing and poetry. We will also continue our grammatical learning by studying uses of colons and semi-colons & types of subordinate clauses (non-finite and relative).



As part of religious education, we will:

  • Recall religions in our locality and Christian Denominations & Community Involvement
  • Introducing Diversity of Religions
  • Learn about Sikhism in the City & UK
  • Know where Sikhs worship
  • Know how Sikhism originated
  • Know about Hinduism in the City and UK
  • Understand Hindu beliefs – dharma and karma
  • Research inspiring People in the World
  • Show respect for others and their Beliefs



As information technologists, we will develop our knowledge of ‘selection’ by revisiting how ‘conditions’ can be used in programming. We will:

  • Explore conditions
  • Select outcomes
  • Ask questions
  • Design a quiz
  • Test & evaluate a quiz


SCIENCE (Biology)

As scientists we will investigate evolution and inheritance.

We will know how to:

  • Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
  • Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents.
  • Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.



As geographers, we will think about whether we would like to live in the desert. We will:

  • Identify the lines of latitude where hot desert biomes are located.
  • Describe the characteristics of a hot desert biome.
  • Locate the largest deserts in each continent.
  • Describe ways the Mojave Desert is used.
  • Name and describe the physical features found in a desert.
  • Identify how humans use the desert.
  • Explain how human activity may contribute to the changing climate and landscape of a desert.
  • Recognise that the Mojave Desert has a different time zone to the UK.
  • Describe some of the threats to deserts.
  • Give the benefits and drawbacks of living in a desert environment.
  • Identify characteristics of two contrasting biomes and compare land use.
  • Discussing if a desert environment is hospitable and why.



As musicians, we will continue our ukulele learning with Mr Tryner, focussing on the interrelated dimensions of music.



As design technologists, we will:

  • Investigate input and output devices and types of switches.
  • Investigate the scientist Thomas Edison.
  • Design, make and evaluate an automatic nightlight.



As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on:

  • Creative Focus (REAL PE). Static Balance: Seated and floorwork
  • Gymnastics with the Sports Coaches, using REAL Gym

PE sessions will be on a Wednesday afternoon, with our PE coach, and a Friday afternoon.


FRENCHAs linguists, we will:

  • Select the correct article du or de la for different instruments.
  • Ask and respond to questions to say which instrument they play, using a whole phrase.
  • Recall the names of some French-speaking countries, saying these with accurate pronunciation.
  • Use opinion verbs, conjunctions and adjectives to create simple phrases about the types of music they like and dislike.
  • Write a simple summary in English of the key points about la Fête de la musique.
  • Adapt a model written paragraph and replace some of the nouns, verbs and adjectives with their own choices to write about a musician.



This half term our topic is Dreams and Goals. We will:

  • understand that I will need money to help me achieve some of my dreams & identify what I would like my life to be like when I am grown up.
  • know about a range of jobs carried out by people I know and explore how much people earn in different jobs & appreciate the contributions made by people in different jobs.
  • identify a job I would like to do when I grow up and understand what motivates me and what I need to do to achieve it & appreciate the opportunities that learning and education are giving me and understand how this will help me to build my future.
  • describe the dreams and goals of young people in a culture different to mine & reflect on how these relate to my own.
  • understand that communicating with someone in a different culture means we can learn from each other, identify a range of ways that we could support each other & appreciate the similarities and differences in aspirations between myself and young people in a different culture.
  • encourage my peers to support young people here and abroad to meet their aspirations, and suggest ways we might do this, e.g. through sponsorship & understand why I am motivated to make a positive contribution to supporting others.

We will also be completing our DART sessions (Drug & Alcohol Resistance Training) and Breathe sessions – Mental Health Support.

Autumn 2 2024

MATHSAs mathematicians, we will know about:

  • multiplicative reasoning
  • fraction reasoning
  • algebraic reasoning.


ENGLISHAs readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare. We will write letters, diary entries and descriptions, and our grammar learning will link into this. We will review adverbials of time, manner, place, direction & duration, and how these can be moved within a sentence, adverbial & non-finite clauses (types of subordinate clauses that doesn’t make sense on their own), as well as dialogue.


R.E.As part of religious education, we will:

  • Explore the Bible and who is in it
  • Explore aspects of God
  • Understand what is in the Bible and where the events took place
  • Discuss how and when the Bible was written
  • Understand how Ruth inspires others
  • Understand how Joshua inspires others
  • Summarise the Old Testament


COMPUTING As information technologists, we will learn to create vector drawings as a graphic designer. We will:

  • Identify drawing tools for different purposes
  • Begin to create images
  • Use tools to create desired effects
  • Know vector drawings consist of layers
  • Group objects


SCIENCE (Physics)– As scientists we will investigate electrical circuits and Earth in space.

We will know how to:

Electrical Circuits:

  • Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit.
  • Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.
  • Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.

Earth and Space:

  • Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system.
  • Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth.
  • Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies.
  • Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky.


History As historians, we will know:

  • Baghdad was a great city where really important developments took place in Mathematics and Science.
  • Baghdad was on the Silk Road so was a centre for trade, and attractive because of its water supply and fertile soil.
  • Baghdad was a circular city with splendid palaces, mosques, gardens, parks, and even a hospital.
  • The House of Wisdom in Baghdad contained wonderful libraries which preserved knowledge from ancient Greek and Roman times what would otherwise have been lost. It contained the largest collection of books in the world.
  • Know that Islamic knowledge of medicine, astrology and science was way ahead of Britain at the time and their ideas of keeping clean were also advanced, with their baths, canals, reservoirs and clean streets.
  • This Golden Age of Islam left a wonderful legacy of things we use today including, used the idea of zero for the first time and its numerals, 1,2,3, etc. are still used today. The word for a branch of mathematics called algebra comes from this time mechanical clocks, cameras etc.
  • Baghdad was a tolerant society with many groups of people from around the world meeting there.


MUSICAs musicians, we will continue to listen to and appraise the song, ‘Make you feel my love’, along with other similar style songs. Pupils will have the opportunity to improvise, compose and perform using the glockenspiel.


DT As design technologists, we will:

  • Investigate how different shaped cams alter movement up and down
  • Design, make and evaluate an item that uses cams.


P.E.As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on:

  • Dynamic balance on a line and counter balance with a partner, in REAL PE.
  • Dance with the Sports Coaches, using REAL Dance

PE sessions will be on a Wednesday afternoon, with our PE coach, and a Friday afternoon.


FRENCH-As linguists, we will:

  • Understand the French words for different types of houses and their rooms.
  • Ask and answer questions using vocabulary about houses and rooms.
  • Remember and understand the elements of a house.
  • Use a writing frame to create a written description of a house.
  • Label things in a bedroom and use the related vocabulary in simple sentences.
  • Use prepositions accurately, both verbally and in written sentences.
  • Write a letter to describe all the rooms in a house, using at least three prepositions accurately to say where things are.


PSHE- This half term our topic is all about finances. We will:

  • Understand where money comes from
  • Know how money makes me feel
  • Know what I can use my money for
  • Understand how money helps other people
  • Know how to look after money

Autumn 1 2024


As mathematicians, we will know about: place value, mental and written calculation methods and multiplying/dividing by 10/100/1000.

We will use Fluent in Five to support our arithmetic skills.



As readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Iva Ibbotson. We will write letters, diary entries and information texts and our grammar learning will link into this. We will review nouns, verbs and adjectives, as well as learning about main and subordinate clauses, parenthesis, modal verbs and colons.


R.E.As part of religious education, we will:

  • Introduce poverty and injustices in the World
  • Understand what it’s like to be poor
  • Learn what practical things help poor children
  • Learn about modern inspirational people
  • Know why people help the poor
  • Know why Christians help – Jesus’ teaching
  • Know how charities help the poor
  • Understand how we can make a difference in the World



As scientists we will investigate light in physics.

We will know how to:

•              Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines.

•              Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen  

               because they give out or reflect light into the eye.

•              Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or

               from light sources to objects and then to our eyes.

•              Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the

               same shape as the objects that cast them.



As geographers, we will know how to:

•              Describe the water cycle.

•              Describe how the ocean is used for human activity.

•              Explain how the ocean helps to regulate the Earth’s climate and temperature.

•              Identify the Great Barrier Reef as part of Australia.

•              Describe the benefits of the Great Barrier reef.

•              Describe how humans impact the oceans and the consequences of this.

•              Explain some actions that can be taken to help support healthy oceans.

•              Explain which data collection method would be best for marine fieldwork and why.

•              Collect data using a tally chart, photographs and a sketch map.

•              Safely navigate the fieldwork environment.

•              Make suggestions for how to improve a marine environment.

•              Present data using a tally chart and pie chart.



As information technologists, we will:

  • Create paper databases
  • Navigate flat-file databases and understand the term field
  • Input data
  • Compare data visually



As musicians, we will listen to and appraise the song, ‘Make you feel my love’, along with other similar style songs. Pupils will have the opportunity to perform and compose.



As artists, we will:

  • Understand how to analyse famous paintings
  • Research a famous artist
  • Plan a piece of work
  • Complete our own seascape



As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on:

  • Coordination and ball Skills, as well as agility and reaction/response, in REAL PE.
  • Outdoor games with the Sports Coaches

PE sessions will be on a Wednesday afternoon, with our PE coach, and a Friday afternoon.



As linguists, we will:

•              Identify which nouns are cognates or near cognates.

•              Use language detective strategies to work out the meaning of new words.

•              Form simple statements by adapting a model.

•              Applying accurate word order in French.

•              Identify and extract key information from short texts.

•              Write sentences containing familiar language, with correctly formed accents.

•              Use the verb aller in the present tense to ask for and give information about how  

               people travel.

•              Select the correct preposition en or à depending on the type of transport.




This half term our topic is ‘Being Me in My World’. We will:

  • Face new challenges positively and know how to set personal goals
  • Understand rights and responsibilities as a British citizen and as a member of

my school

  • Make choices about my own behaviour because I understand how rewards and consequences feel
  • Understand how an individual’s behaviour can impact on a group
  • Understand how democracy and having a voice benefits the school community and know how to participate in this

Summer 2 2024

MATHSAs mathematicians, we will know about:

  • pie charts
  • statistical representations
  • algebra
  • financial maths & enterprise.


ENGLISHAs readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will continue to study ‘Children of Winter’, by Berlie Doherty, as well as plague non-fiction texts. We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse texts through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. Our writing will focus on non-fiction texts linked to the plague. We will review all of our prior grammar and punctuation learning. 


COMPUTING As information technologists, we will:

  • Define variables and explain why they are used in a program
  • Improve a game by using variables
  • Design & evaluate projects


SCIENCEAs scientists we will investigate living things and evolution.

We will know how to:

  • Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect

and a bird.

  • Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.
  • Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to

common observable characteristics.

  • Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific


  • Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide

information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.

  • Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally

offspring vary and are not identical to their parents.

  • Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different

ways and how that adaptation may lead to evolution.


HistoryAs historians, we will know how to:

  • Investigate what factors lead to the growth of families 11,000 years ago
  • Compare and contrast sources of evidence to reach a judgement as to why life expectancy in Britain fluctuated greatly during the period 1500-1840 and justify their views and opinions
  • Evaluate a range of original sources and reach a judgement regarding what people in Britain in 1665 considered to be the cause of the Great Plague and the actions they could take to cure those who had already contracted the disease and prevent others from catching it
  • Describe what Edward Jenner discovered in 1796 and explain and evaluate the implications of his discovery for the future medical health of the people of Britain
  • Identify, describe and sequence the main milestones in the history of medicine in Britain and explain and justify their ordering
  • Describe, explain and evaluate the importance of the events that occurred and reach a judgement which justifies their opinion about which they feel to have been the most significant.


MUSICAs musicians, we will continue to learn about the interrelated dimensions of music, in ukulele sessions, with Mr Tryner.


Art As artists, we will be developing drawings and self-portraits, including with mixed media.


P.E.As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on athletics with our sports coaches. In REAL PE, we will focus on co-ordination and agility.


FRENCH-As linguists, we will:

  • Begin to use the future tense
  • Identify present and future tense
  • Describe clothes for a French holiday
  • Read and understand a simple story
  • Plan a holiday to France


R.E.As part of religious education, we will:

To know and understand:

  • the variety of art forms used in Christianity, Hinduism and Islam.

To express ideas and insights about:

  • their choices of music and music in different religions.
  • art forms in various religions, listening to the views of others.

To gain and deploy skills:

  • writing their own psalm and/or using other creative ways to express their feelings.
  • discussing and investigating various art forms in different faiths.
  • investigating, discussing and producing a commissioned piece of art for a chosen faith.


PSHE- This half term our topic is ‘Changing Me’. We will:

  • Discuss body image and self-image
  • Discuss self esteem
  • Understand the responsibilities that come with growing up
  • Identify what we are looking forward to in Y6/Y7

(Y6 will have separate Relationship and Sex Education lessons.)

Summer 1 2024


As mathematicians, we will know about:

  • Dividing fractions
  • Fraction problems
  • Statistical representations
  • Mean



As readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study ‘Children of Winter’, by Berlie Doherty. We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse the text through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. Our writing will link into the text and will include setting and character descriptions, diary entries and dialogue. Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be reviewing all of our prior learning.



As information technologists, we will know:

  • what makes a good website
  • how to layout a web page
  • about copyright
  • the importance of planning a web page carefully



As scientists we will investigate light and sound.

We will know how to:


  • Draw and label diagrams to show how light travels
  • Draw and label diagrams that show how objects are seen
  • Observe and describe how light diverges from a source
  • Draw and label diagrams that show how shadows are formed and that the size of the shadow may be predicted when the position of the source of light changes
  • Describe how divergent light from a source affects the size of shadows
  • Draw and label diagrams to explain how we see
  • Observe and describe the differences in the pitch of a sound and the object that produced it
  • Observe and describe differences in the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it
  • Observe and describe differences in sounds that are close to and far away from their sources


  • Experiment with ways that demonstrate how light travels
  • Predict where light will appear after hitting a reflective surface
  • Experiment with making or using a periscope to demonstrate how objects may be seen & explain what is happening to the light
  • Explain why shadows are ‘longer’ in the winter and ‘shorter’ in the summer
  • Investigate and present information on how objects, such as a stick, appear to bend when placed in water
  • Experiment with, explain and demonstrate the pattern between pitch of sound and the features of the object that produced it
  • Experiment with, explain and demonstrate the pattern between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it
  • Experiment with, explain and demonstrate the pattern between the volume of a sound and the distance from its source



As geographers, we will know how to:

  • describe how the water cycle works
  • recognise the features and courses of a river
  • name and locate some of the world’s longest rivers
  • describe how rivers are used
  • identify and locate human and physical features on a map
  • collect data on the features of a local river



As musicians, we will:

  • listen to and appraise different style songs, about being happy. (Happy by Pharrell Williams, Top Of The World sung by The Carpenters, Don’t Worry, Be Happy sung by Bobby McFerrin, Walking On Sunshine sung by Katrina And The Waves, When You’re Smiling sung by Frank Sinatra & Love Will Save The Day sung by Brendan Reilly.)
  • understand the interrelated dimensions of music within each song
  • accompany the song with instruments and improvise



As design technologists, we will research and investigate structures. We will design, make and investigate a small scale bridge to transport a car over a river.



As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on Striking and Fielding with our Sports Coaches and in our REAL PE we will have a health and fitness focus.



As linguists, we will be exploring the French speaking world by:

  • reading and understanding a range of sentences including directions
  • recognising and responding to directions
  • forming directional phrases accurately by applying grammatical rules
  • asking, answering questions and seeking clarification
  • applying language detective strategies to work out meaning in spoken and written sources



As part of religious education, we will:

  • recognise the different religions in my village/town & have started to discover some of their involvement with the community
  • realise all 6 of the main faith groups and their buildings are in the city
  • understand that puja (worship) is performed at home
  • understand that the scriptures are important and that many hope to achieve Moksha
  • understand about some symbolism in Sikh faith e.g. 5Ks
  • understand Sikh values of caring and serving God and others
  • identify the main religions in UK (and the world)
  • research some peoples whose freedom has been restricted and investigated others who have opposed this in a non-violent way
  • investigate ideas towards a community in harmony



This half term our topic is ‘Relationships’. As part of our personal education, we will discuss what makes healthy friendships, in person and online, as well as knowing where we can go for help if it is needed.


Spring 2 2024

MATHSAs mathematicians, we will know about:

  • Area of triangles, rectilinear and composite shapes, and parallelograms
  • Angles
  • Reflections/Translations
  • Fractions (multiplying and dividing)


ENGLISHAs readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study ‘The Bottle of Happiness’, by Pippa Goodhart. We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse the text through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. Our writing will link into the text and will include setting and character descriptions, dialogue and short stories. Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be reviewing all of our prior learning, as well as looking at parenthesis and modal verbs. 


COMPUTING As information technologists, we will know how to:

  • control a simple circuit connected to a computer
  • write a program
  • explain that a loop can stop when a condition is met
  • explain that a loop can be used to check if a condition is met
  • design a physical project
  • create a program that controls a physical computing project


SCIENCEAs scientists we will investigate the topics of plants, animals and humans. We will know how to:

  • relate knowledge of plants to studies of evolution and inheritance
  • relate knowledge of plants to studies of all living things
  • describe the changes as humans develop to old age
  • identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe

the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood

  • recognise the importance of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on

the way the human body functions

  • describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals,

including humans


GeographyAs geographers, we will know how to:

  • locate the Alps on a map
  • locate key human and physical characteristics of the Alps
  • describe physical and human features of an Alpine region
  • investigate what there is to do in the local area using data collection
  • discuss similarities and differences between an Alpine and local area
  • understand physical and human geography of the Alps


MUSICAs musicians, we will know how to :

  • discuss the interrelated dimensions of music through our ukulele tuition with Mr Tryner and by listening to the Fresh Prince of Belair
  • appraise HipHop tunes
  • use vocal warm ups to support singing
  • play instruments with a song and improvise
  • perform our own compositions


ArtAs artists, we will know:

  • the process of weaving
  • key terminology (weft and warp)
  • how weaving with different materials creates different effects


P.E.As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on Invasion Games with our Sports Coaches and in our REAL PE we will know about:

  • dynamic balance to agility: jumping and landing
  • static Balance: one Leg


FRENCH-As linguists, we will know how to:

  • describe the weather and vocabulary for the compass points
  • count from 1-100 in multiples of ten
  • combine this knowledge to make statements about the temperature in different parts of France
  • deliver a weather forecast


R.E.As part of religious education, we will know:

  • an overview of New Testament
  • why Peter, the Disciples & Paul risked their Lives for Jesus
  • why Peter and Paul and Christians today follow Jesus
  • Jesus’ 1st Commandment
  • Jesus’ 2nd Commandment and how it is used
  • Jesus’ other teachings
  • How to summarise the Old and New Testaments


PSHE- This half term our topic is ‘Healthy Me’. As part of our personal education, we will know:

  • how to take responsibility for our health and well-being
  • about drugs and the effect on the body
  • about exploitation and gangs
  • how to look after our mental health and emotions
  • how to manage stress and pressure effectively

Spring 1 2024


As mathematicians, we will focus on:

  • Area of triangles, rectilinear and composite shapes, and parallelograms
  • Formal division
  • Properties of shape



As readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study ‘The Adventures of Odysseus’.


We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse the text through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. Our writing will link into the text and will include diary entries and play scripts.


Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be reviewing all of our prior learning, as well as looking at subordinate clauses and the use of the semi-colon. 



As information technologists, we will study communication and collaboration. We will explore how data is transferred over the internet, initially focussing on addressing, before moving on to the makeup and structure of data packets. We will look at how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration, completing shared projects online and evaluating different methods of communication. Finally, we will learn how to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet.



As scientists we will investigate materials.

We will:

  • compare and group everyday materials
  • know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
  • use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
  • demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
  • explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda



As historians, we will study the Ancient Greeks. We will:

  • Sequence events chronologically
  • Analyse sources of evidence
  • Critically analyse sources of archaeological evidence
  • Form conclusions
  • Pursue a line of enquiry



As musicians, we will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through our ukulele tuition with Mr Tryner.



As design technicians, we will design, make and evaluate a small bag to carry precious items, using computer aided design to help us.



As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on dynamic balance on a line and counter balance with a partner.


PE sessions will be on a Wednesday afternoon with our PE coach and a Friday afternoon.



As linguists, we will:

  • recognise vocabulary related to clothing
  • describe clothes with colours
  • understand adjectival position and agreement for gender and number
  • express likes/dislikes



As part of religious education, we will study Beliefs in Action in the World. We will look at the following questions:

  • Do all members of a religion practise their faith in the same way? How did some Jewish people in Europe practise their faith before the Second World War?
  • In what ways were Jewish people persecuted during the Holocaust? What important questions does the Holocaust raise for us today?
  • What important questions does the Holocaust raise?
  • What is it that makes us who we are, which we would always want to be? How did some Jewish people respond to persecution against them, to keep what was important to them?
  • What were some of the actions and choices of religious people during the Holocaust and other times of persecution in resisting discrimination? What can we learn from their actions, and why they acted?
  • What is my response to what I have learned about prejudice and the persecution of others?
  • How do some Jewish people in the UK today help to fight discrimination against others? What teachings encourage them to do this? How can these teachings be studied?
  • How can we promote respect for others in our own community, to ensure that the past is not repeated through our actions?



This half term our topic is ‘Dreams and Goals’. As part of our personal education, we will:

  • know our learning strengths and set challenging but realistic goals
  • work out the steps needed to reach our goals and know how to keep motivated to work on these
  • identify problems in the world that concern us and can talk to others about them
  • work with other people to help make the world a better place
  • describe some ways in which we can work with others to help make the world a better place
  • know what some people in our class like or admire about us, and accept their praise

Autumn 2 2023

MATHSAs mathematicians, we will focus on:

  • multiplicative reasoning
  • additive reasoning
  • number properties reasoning

We will continue to use Fluent in Five each morning to support our arithmetic skills.

It is also important that your child regularly uses Times Table Rockstars. A secure multiplication facts knowledge will really support their learning in all areas.


ENGLISHAs readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study the text ‘Floodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick. We will write in role, as well as writing setting and character descriptions. We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse the text through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be covering active and passive voice, punctuation for parenthesis, tense revision, apostrophes for possession and main and subordinate clauses.

Reading continues to be a main focus and we ask that your child reads every day at home. Please record in the diary when you hear your child read so that we can award them with a reading star. Please remind your child to bring their reading diary every day so that they can be checked and reads signed off to go towards their half-termly reading challenge. Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday – in addition, the year 5/6 statutory words must also be learnt.  


COMPUTING As information technologists, we will:


  • use cutaway and split screen tools in iMovie.
  • evaluate and improve the best video tools to best explain my understanding.
  • further improve green screen clips using crop and resize and explore more creative ways to use the tool - wearing green clothes and the masking tool.


  • use the green screen masking tool with more than one character.
  • use picture in picture tools in iMovie.
  • add animated subtitles to my film to further enhance my creation.
  • create videos using a range of media - green screen, animations, film and image.


SCIENCEAs scientists we will:

  • understand electrical circuits
  • understand earth’s movements in space


MUSICAs musicians, we will continue to listen to and appraise a variety of Jazz songs. We will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music. We will also compose our own music using glockenspiels.


DTAs design technicians, we will design, make and evaluate a Halal based savoury samaosa snack, for a Muslim celebration.


P.E.As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on dance skills. We will learn and develop shapes and circles and create sequences of movement with these through partnering and artistry. 


R.E.As part of religious education, we will study Muslim families and celebrations. We will:

  • understand that Muslims have food rules because of their beliefs.
  • understand about their artefacts and understand about how varied Muslim clothes are and how many clothes are more cultural than religious.
  • recall that the Qur’an is Muslim’s holy book and it is highly valued by them because they believe its contains Allah’s words.
  • work out why Mosques have certain features.
  • understand wudu and how it is used to make Muslims clean before meeting Allah.
  • retell main events at a Muslim wedding and see similarities with a Christian marriage
  • understand Islamic customs for the welcoming and naming ceremony.


PSHE- This half term our topic is ‘Celebrating Difference’. As part of our personal education, we will:

  • understand there are different perceptions about what normal means
  • understand how being different could affect someone’s life
  • explain some of the ways in which one  person or a group can have power over another
  • know some of the reasons why people use bullying behaviours
  • give examples of people with disabilities who lead amazing lives
  • explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict and a cause for celebration

Autumn 1 2023


Summer 1 2023 in Class Willow (Year 5/6)


Why have people chosen to migrate to Britain?


We hope you had a good break and are ready for an exciting half term.


Our topic in history is ‘Journeys – Migration to Britain’ where we will discover the reasons people migrated to Britain at different points on our timeline. We will develop our ability to select the most significant evidence to help us make deductions and draw conclusions about events in the past.


This half term we will continue to learn more about ‘Forces’ when we investigate the effects of water resistance and explore how we can decrease water resistance by making objects more streamlined. We will also recognise how some mechanisms, which include levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.


In R.E. we will be focusing on ‘Journey through Life’ and recognise how Christians and Hindus celebrate special times in their lives. We will explore how different religions help children to become adults and the ceremonies that are used to initiate them into the faith.



Don't forget to wear your PE kit to school every Monday. This half term we will be developing our Striking and fielding games skills with Coach Josh. Your PE kit should include suitable, warm clothing (navy joggers and hoodie) and trainers.

We will continue our swimming lessons every Friday morning. Please ensure your child has the correct swimming kit in school - see swimming letter for details about costume/trunks, hair and jewellery.



We are all aiming to be reading superheroes this year. We try to read as often as we can so our reading rockets reach for the stars! Can you read 6 times a week to gain a Great Book Guzzler Golden Reading Award?



We have English and maths homework each week which helps us to show our parents how we are developing. Don’t forget to use your Times Table Rock Stars login to have fun doing multiplication and division practise. We also have weekly spellings where we need to try hard to write the words independently in our Wednesday spelling dictation.

Homework is collected in every Wednesday so please remember your homework packet.


Remember your child will need:

- Indoor and outdoor shoes.  

- A water bottle to keep hydrated.

Year 5 working from home - afternoon Thursday 9th March 2023

Spring 2 2023 in Class Willow (Year 5/6)


Why are there hills around Nottinghamshire?


We hope you had a good break and are ready for an exciting half term.


In history, we will be asking the question ‘Why are there hills around Nottinghamshire?’ We will begin by finding out why coal was significant to the Industrial Revolution and how the 1842 Mining Act impacted on the lives of miners and their families. We will then consider how the opening of deep mining in our local area changed our local community and why the planned end of the coal mining industry in the 1980s was so controversial. Finally, we will explore the lasting impact (legacy) on our local area and the UK.


Our science topic this half term is ‘Forces’ where we will concentrate on friction, gravity and air resistance. We will investigate how surface area and materials affect friction and carry out comparative and fair tests based on gravity. We will use test results about air resistance as a starting point for further investigative work and record data and results of increasing complexity.


In R.E. we will be focusing on Exploring Muslim Beliefs,’ where we will learn how Muslims show their respect for the word of Allah and recognise that Muslims use the Five pillars as a basis for the way they live. Later in the half term, we will concentrate on Easter and explore the disciples’ feelings and how they changed.



Don't forget to wear your PE kit to school every Monday. This half term we will be developing our outdoor invasion games skills with Coach Josh. Your PE kit should include suitable, warm clothing (navy joggers and hoodie) and trainers.

We will also be starting our 17-week course of swimming lessons every Friday morning. Please ensure your child has the correct swimming kit in school - see swimming letter for details about costume/trunks, hair and jewellery.



We are all aiming to be reading superheroes this year. We try to read as often as we can so our reading rockets reach for the stars! Can you read 6 times a week to gain a Great Book Guzzler Golden Reading Award?



We have English and maths homework each week which helps us to show our parents how we are developing. Don’t forget to use your Times Table Rock Stars login to have fun doing multiplication and division practise. We also have weekly spellings where we need to try hard to write the words independently in our Wednesday spelling dictation.

Homework is collected in every Wednesday so please remember your homework packet.


Remember your child will need:

- Indoor and outdoor shoes.  

- A water bottle to keep hydrated.


Spring 1 2023 in Class Willow (Year 5/6)


Why is Fair Trade Fair?


We hope you had a good break and are ready for an exciting half term.


In geography, we will be asking the question ‘Why is Fair Trade Fair?’ We will begin by finding out why the Silk Road was the most important trading route in the history of the world and use political maps to locate the present day countries through which the Silk Road passed. We will discover why and how countries trade with each other and learn about the products that are imported and exported between the UK and China. Later, we will reflect on why the terms of international trade are not always fair for some producers of goods in other countries around the world.


Our science topic this half term is ‘Earth and Space.’ We will find out about the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the Sun. We will ask questions to help us find out about the solar system and use secondary sources of information to answer our questions. We will use the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and discover how the Earth’s tilt leads to seasonal changes. Later we will make a shadow clock and test its accuracy. Throughout January, we will observe the different phases of the moon and then explain why the Moon appears to change shape.


In R.E. we will be focusing on ‘Investigating Religions and Respect.’ We will find out about the different Christian denominations and their involvement in the community. During the topic, we will refer to the six main religions in the UK but will have an in-depth exploration of Sikhism including: its symbols and clothing for Sikh people, the importance of Guru Nanak, its founder, and Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Book. The children will have opportunities to develop their skills through exploring the diversity of religions in the UK and through research.



Don't forget to wear your PE kit to school every Monday and Friday. This half term we will be developing our REAL Gym skills with Coach Josh. Through REAL PE, we will be developing our fundamental movement skills of balance, co-ordination and agility. Your PE kit should include suitable, warm clothing (navy joggers and hoodie) and trainers.



We are all aiming to be reading superheroes this year. We try to read as often as we can so our reading rockets reach for the stars! Can you read 6 times a week to gain a Great Book Guzzler Golden Reading Award?



We have English and maths homework each week which helps us to show our parents how we are developing. Don’t forget to use your Times Table Rock Stars login to have fun doing multiplication and division practise. We also have weekly spellings where we need to try hard to write the words independently in our Wednesday spelling dictation.

Homework is collected in every Wednesday so please remember your homework packet.


Remember your child will need:

- Indoor and outdoor shoes.  

- A water bottle to keep hydrated.

Welcome to Class Willow

Autumn 2 2022 in Class Willow (Year 5/6)


What was life like in Baghdad during the Golden Age of Islam?


We hope you had a good half term break and are ready for an exciting half term.


 In history, we will be asking the question ‘What was life like in Baghdad during the Golden Age of Islam?’ as we learn about Early Islamic Civilisation. We will begin by sequencing World history and British history on a timeline as we develop our understanding that many timelines run concurrently. We will find out about the important events that happened during Early Islamic Civilisation from 570 – 1258 AD and find out why Baghdad was so important. We will learn about ‘The House of Wisdom’ and some of the significant discoveries and studies that have impacted the wider world. 


Our science topic this half term is ‘Light.’ We will build on our knowledge and understanding of light sources and shadows from Yr4. We will be investigating how a mirror reflects an image of an object and how mirrors can be used to see things that are not directly in line with the eye. Later, we will plan and carry out a fair test to investigate the relationship between shadow size and an independent variable.


In R.E. we will be focusing on ‘Exploring the Old Testament.’ We will begin by identifying some of the characters and recalling their stories. We will also learn about the many translations of the Bible. Later in the half term, we will concentrate on ‘Christmas’ as we learn about the significance of the wise men’s gifts. We will explore what we feel is the real meaning of Christmas.



Don't forget to wear your PE kit to school every Monday and Friday. This half term we will be developing our REAL Dance skills with Coach Josh. Through REAL PE, we will be developing our fundamental movement skills of co-ordination and agility. Your PE kit should include suitable, warm clothing (navy joggers and hoodie) and trainers.



We are all aiming to be reading superheroes this year. We try to read as often as we can so our reading rockets reach for the stars! Can you read 6 times a week to gain a Great Book Guzzler Golden Reading Award?



We have English and maths homework each week which helps us to show our parents how we are developing. Don’t forget to use your Times Table Rock Stars login to have fun doing multiplication and division practise. We also have weekly spellings where we need to try hard to write the words independently in our Wednesday spelling dictation.

Homework is collected in every Wednesday so please remember your homework packet.


Remember your child will need:

- Indoor and outdoor shoes.  

- A water bottle to keep hydrated.

Boggle Hole trip booklet and kit list 2022

Year 6 SATs Meeting for Parents PowerPoint

Autumn 1 2022 in Class Willow (Year 5/6)


Why do our seas and oceans matter so much?


We hope you had a good summer break and are ready for an exciting half term.


In geography, we will be asking the question ‘Why do our seas and oceans matter so much?’ We will locate the major oceans and seas in the world and learn what an oceanographer does. We will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of plastic (as an incredibly versatile and widely used material) and compare and contrast these with the negative environmental impact that they can have.


Our science topic this half term is ‘Electricity.’ We will build on our knowledge and understanding from Yr4. We will be using a range of switches, showing them in a circuit diagram and describing how they work. We will be investigating how changing the number and types of components in a circuit affects how they operate and what happens to lamps, buzzers and motors when a resistor changes the flow of electricity in a circuit.


In R.E. we will be focusing on ‘Making a Difference in the World.’ We will begin by recognising the problems in the world today and understanding what it might be like to be really poor. We will investigate the work of charities and individuals who have made positive contributions in the world and have inspired others.



Don't forget to wear your PE kit to school every Monday and Friday. This half term we will be developing our outdoor games skills including basketball and lacrosse. Through REAL PE, we will be developing our fundamental movement skills of co-ordination and agility. Your PE kit should include suitable, warm clothing (navy joggers and hoodie) and trainers.



We are all aiming to be reading superheroes this year. We try to read as often as we can so our reading rockets reach for the stars! Can you read 6 times a week to gain a Great Book Guzzler Golden Reading Award?



We have English and maths homework each week which helps us to show our parents how we are developing. Don’t forget to use your Times Table Rock Stars login to have fun doing multiplication and division practise. We also have weekly spellings where we need to try hard to write the words independently in our Wednesday spelling dictation.

Homework is collected in every Wednesday so please remember your homework packet.


Remember your child will need:

- Indoor and outdoor shoes.  

- A water bottle to keep hydrated.

Summer 1


Maths- This half term the children will be working on spatial reasoning, fraction reasoning and proportional reasoning.

English- The children will be reading Children of Winter as a whole class, exploring the time period and vocabulary used to learn more about how The Plague in England.

Science- In science the topic will be Electricity, including light. The children will get to learn through understanding and building circuits. They will then move onto living things and their habitats. Looking at different life cycles and discovering scientific terminology such as metamorphosis.

History- The class will be learning all about the Plague, specifically the village of Eyam, discovering their complications and the sacrifices its residents made.

Geography- This half term the children will be learning all about their local area and comparing and contrasting against a different location. The children will be focusing on how to read temperatures and average rain fall and will create a spreadsheet to show the data they have collected.

PE- Class Willow will be continuing their swimming sessions this half term (Friday am) and with Coach Josh they will practice their batting and fielding skills, to lead them onto Rounders and Cricket games (Mon pm).

French- With Madame Ballestra, year 5 and 6 have been learning all about Places, towns and directions. Learning the language and exploring French culture.

RE- To begin with the children will research religions in their local area, to understand what the main 6 faith groups are and where they worship. Focusing on worship at home and in the community. They will also learn the importance of caring for others and serving God within the Christian faith and what this may look like within other religions. 

PSHE- This half term the children will be using the Jigsaw approach to learn all about relationships, such as how to create and sustain a healthy friendship, how to take care of ourselves and our friends. Also, they will touch on the different stages of grief and how to get the correct support, as well as how to communicate with others safely online.

Spring 2 2022


MATHSAs mathematicians, we will focus on:

  • Algebraic reasoning
  • Geometric reasoning
  • Proportional reasoning
  • Multiplicative reasoning

We will continue to use Fluent in Five each morning to support our arithmetic skills.

It is also important that your child regularly uses Times Table Rockstars. A secure multiplication facts knowledge will really support their learning in all areas.


ENGLISHAs readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will use Reciprocal and Echo Reading skills to analyse Michael Morpurgo’s, ‘The Giant’s Necklace’. We will link our Grammar learning into this, as well as writing diary entries and newspaper articles based on the text.

Reading continues to be a main focus and we ask that your child reads every day at home. Please record in the diary when you hear your child read so that we can award them with a reading star. Please remind your child to bring his/her reading diary every day so that they can be checked and reads signed off to go towards their half-termly reading challenge. Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday – in addition, the year 5/6 statutory words must also be learnt.  


COMPUTING As information technologists, we will:


collaborate with peers using online tools, e.g. blogs, Google Drive,  Office 365
create and export an interactive presentation including a variety of media, animations, transitions and other effects.
create an interactive guide to an image by embedding digital content and publishing it online.

create a webpage and embed video.


create a web site which includes a variety of media.

design an app prototype that links multimedia pages together with hyperlinks.

choose applications to communicate to a specific audience.

evaluate my own content and consider ways to improvements.


SCIENCEAs scientists we will:

Animals including humans

  • describe the changes as humans develop to old age by drawing a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans.
  • describe the changes as humans develop to old age by understanding the changes that take place in old age.
  • record data and results of increasing complexity using bar and line graphs, and models in the context of comparing gestation periods and life expectancies of animals.



  • Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram by recognising and drawing scientific circuit symbols accurately.
  • Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number
    and voltage of cells used in the circuit by observing and explaining the effect of
    different voltages in a circuit.
  • Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the
    brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.
  • Plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including
    recognising and controlling variables where necessary by investigating the relationship between wire length and the brightness of bulbs or the loudness of buzzers.
  • Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.
  • Record data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and
    labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and line graphs.
  • Report and present findings from enquiries, including conclusions, causal
    relationships and explanations of and degree of trust in results, in oral and
    written forms such as displays and other presentations by conducting an investigation, presenting and report findings on the effect of wire length on
    the brightness of bulbs or the loudness of buzzers.

Geography As geographers, we will:

  • Identify, recognise and describe, using appropriate subject vocabulary, where Saethor takes his dog Tiry for a walk each day
  • Identify, describe and and compare and contrast the countries of Europe
  • Recognise, describe and explain the key geographical features of the Westman Islands region of Iceland and the island of Hiemaey in particular
  • Compare and contrast, using appropriate geographical vocabulary, the physical and human geography of Vestmannaeyjar with that of the local area/region
  • Explain and reach a judgement, using appropriate and specialised subject vocabulary, why there are so few trees on Hiemaey
  • Explain how volcanoes form, observe the global pattern of volcanoes correctly and suggest plausible geographical reasons for this distribution
  • Understand how and why the environment of Hiemaey has changed over time and reach conclusions and make judgements about the positive and negative impact of these changes on the ways of life of the people of Hiemaey
  • Understand the stages in the manufacture of an economic activity – fish processing – together with what export, import and trade entails
  • Make a reasoned geographical judgement, using evidence and logical argument, as to whether earthquakes are more dangerous than volcanoes


MUSICAs musicians, we will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through this, as well as through our ukulele tuition with Mr Tryner. We will also listen to and appraise The Fresh Prince of Belair and other Hip Hop tunes.


Art As artists, we will:

  • understand the purpose and process of weaving
  • use a variety of paper weaving techniques
  • use weaving techniques to create a woven picture


P.E.As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on We will also be swimming on a Friday. Please come to school in school PE kit on a Monday and Friday due to the current circumstances. Please wear your swimming trunks/costume, under your clothes. (No logos on PE kit please.)


FRENCH-As linguists, we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning vocabulary and phrases linked to drinks and snacks and scenarios in a cafe. We will learn through rhymes, songs, games and having conversations, including writing our own conversations in French.


R.E.As part of religious education, we will look at the following questions:

  • What is in the New testament?
  • After Jesus died who were the main people taught about Jesus?
  • How do Christians use Jesus’ teaching?
  • What is Jesus’ 1st great commandment?
  • What is Jesus’ 2nd commandment and how does it relate to situations today?
  • What are other examples of Jesus’ teaching and how do chn decide what rules they live by?
  • What are other examples of Jesus’ teaching and how do chn decide what rules they live by?
  • What are features of Bible?

PSHE- This half term our topic is ‘Healthy Me’. We will:

  • take responsibility for my health and make choices that benefit my health and well-being
  • know about different types of drugs and their uses and their effects on the body particularly the liver and heart
  • understand that some people can be exploited and made to do things that are against the law
  • know why some people join gangs and the risks this involves
  • understand what it means to be emotionally well and can explore people’s attitudes towards mental health/illness
  • can recognise stress and the triggers that cause this and I understand how stress can cause drug and alcohol misuse

Spring 1 2022


MATHSAs mathematicians, we will focus on:

  • Fraction reasoning
  • Multiplicative reasoning
  • Algebraic reasoning

We will continue to use Fluent in Five each morning to support our arithmetic skills.

It is also important that your child regularly uses Times Table Rockstars. A secure multiplication facts knowledge will really support their learning in all areas.


ENGLISHAs readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study Ancient Greek myths. We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse the myths through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. We will have a go at writing our own myths as well! Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be reviewing all of our prior learning.

Reading continues to be a main focus and we ask that your child reads every day at home. Please record in the diary when you hear your child read so that we can award them with a reading star. Please remind your child to bring his/her reading diary every day so that they can be checked and reads signed off to go towards their half-termly reading challenge. Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday – in addition, the year 5/6 statutory words must also be learnt.  


COMPUTING As information technologists, we will:


  • understand how we view web pages on the Internet
  • use search technologies effectively
  • understand that web spiders index the web for search engines
  • appreciate how pages are ranked in a search engine


  • understand what HTML is and recognize HTML tags
  • know a range of HTML tags and can remix a web page


SCIENCEAs scientists we will:


  • know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
  • use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
  • demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
  • explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda


Earth and Space

  • describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth
  • describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies


HistoryAs historians, we will study the Ancient Greeks. We will:

  • Sequence events chronologically
  • Analyse sources of evidence
  • Critically analyse sources of archaeological evidence
  • Form conclusions
  • Pursue a line of enquiry


MUSICAs musicians, we will continue with previous learning on the Glockenspiel, as well as beginning to read music scores. We will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through this, as well as through our ukulele tuition with Mr Tryner.


DTAs design technicians, we will design, make and evaluate an Ancient Greek style tunic (chiton), for a wealthy child.


P.E.As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on dynamic balance on a line and counter balance with a partner. PE sessions will be on a Monday afternoon with our PE coach and a Friday afternoon. Please come to school in school PE kit on a Monday and Friday due to the current circumstances. (No logos on PE kit please.)


R.E.As part of religious education, we will study Beliefs in Action in the World. We will look at the following questions:

  • Do all members of a religion practise their faith in the same way? How did some Jewish people in Europe practise their faith before the Second World War?
  • In what ways were Jewish people persecuted during the Holocaust? What important questions does the Holocaust raise for us today?
  • What important questions does the Holocaust raise?
  • What is it that makes us who we are, which we would always want to be? How did some Jewish people respond to persecution against them, to keep what was important to them?
  • What were some of the actions and choices of religious people during the Holocaust and other times of persecution in resisting discrimination? What can we learn from their actions, and why they acted?
  • What is my response to what I have learned about prejudice and the persecution of others?
  • How do some Jewish people in the UK today help to fight discrimination against others? What teachings encourage them to do this? How can these teachings be studied?
  • How can we promote respect for others in our own community, to ensure that the past is not repeated through our actions?

PSHE- This half term our topic is ‘Dreams and Goals’. As part of our personal education, we will:

  • know our learning strengths and set challenging but realistic goals
  • work out the steps needed to reach our goals and know how to keep motivated to work on these
  • identify problems in the world that concern us and can talk to others about them
  • work with other people to help make the world a better place
  • describe some ways in which we can work with others to help make the world a better place
  • know what some people in our class like or admire about us, and accept their praise

Autumn 2 2021



As mathematicians, we will focus on:

  • multiplicative reasoning
  • additive reasoning
  • number properties reasoning

We will continue to use Fluent in Five each morning to support our arithmetic skills.

It is also important that your child regularly uses Times Table Rockstars. A secure multiplication facts knowledge will really support their learning in all areas.



As readers, authors, speakers and listeners, we will study the text ‘Floodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick. We will write in role, as well as writing setting and character descriptions. We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse the text through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be covering active and passive voice, punctuation for parenthesis, tense revision, apostrophes for possession and main and subordinate clauses.

Reading continues to be a main focus and we ask that your child reads every day at home. Please record in the diary when you hear your child read so that we can award them with a reading star. Please remind your child to bring his/her reading diary every day so that they can be checked and reads signed off to go towards their half-termly reading challenge. Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday – in addition, the year 5/6 statutory words must also be learnt.  



As information technologists, we will:


  • use cutaway and split screen tools in iMovie.
  • evaluate and improve the best video tools to best explain my understanding.
  • further improve green screen clips using crop and resize and explore more creative ways to use the tool - wearing green clothes and the masking tool.


  • use the green screen masking tool with more than one character.
  • use picture in picture tools in iMovie.
  • add animated subtitles to my film to further enhance my creation.
  • create videos using a range of media - green screen, animations, film and image.


Our science work is all about ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. As scientists we will:

  • compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets
  • give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic
  • describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system
  • use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky



Our topic question is ’What is a river?’ As geographers, we will:

  • identify and describe how physical features of rivers change from source to mouth
  • offer reasons to explain why the course of a river changes as it flows from higher to lower ground
  • use OS maps, aerial photographs and GIS to recognise, describe, compare and contrast and explain how physical features change along the course of a river
  • use a range of fieldwork techniques to measure, record and present and explain changes along a section of a local river and to reach a conclusion as to whether it constitutes a healthy habitat for living things
  • identify and describe the features of river estuaries and explain why they are such important ecosystems for wildlife
  • describe the components of the hydrological or water cycle and explain the important role that rivers play
  • recognise, describe and explain the reasons why the Isle of Dogs developed to become part of the busiest river port in the world and evaluate the evidence and make a judgement about the causes of its sudden decline and closure
  • interpret a range of geographical evidence to reach a conclusion as to why Bangladesh is at such a risk of serious annual river flooding
  • reflect upon and evaluate the techniques used by classical composers to portray the different stages and features of the course of a river and create and record a personal musical piece to evoke the features of a waterfall
  • understand climatically what the Little Ice Age refers to and how occasional severe winters impacted upon the River Thames and the people of London
  • explain why China built the Three Gorges Dam along the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) and describe and evaluate some of its geographical impacts


As musicians, we will continue to listen to and appraise a variety of Jazz songs. We will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through these songs, as well as through our ukulele tuition with Mr Tryner. We will also compose our own music using glockenspiels.



As design technicians, we will design, make and evaluate a Halal based savoury samaosa snack for a Muslim celebration.



As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on gymnastic skills. PE sessions will be on a Monday afternoon with our PE coach and a Friday afternoon. Please come to school in school PE kit on a Monday and Friday due to the current circumstances. (No logos on PE kit please.)



As linguists, we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning vocabulary and phrases linked to rivers and cities of France. We will learn through rhymes, songs, games and having conversations, including writing our own conversations in French.



As part of religious education, we will study Muslim families and celebrations. We will:

  • understand that Muslims have food rules because of their beliefs.
  • understand about their artefacts and understand about how varied Muslim clothes are and how many clothes are more cultural than religious.
  • recall that the Qur’an is Muslim’s holy book and it is highly valued by them because they believe its contains Allah’s words.
  • work out why Mosques have certain features.
  • understand wudu and how it is used to make Muslims clean before meeting Allah.
  • retell main events at a Muslim wedding and see similarities with a Christian marriage
  • understand Islamic customs for the welcoming and naming ceremony.

PSHE- This half term our topic is ‘Celebrating Difference’. As part of our personal education, we will:

  • understand there are different perceptions about what normal means
  • understand how being different could affect someone’s life
  • explain some of the ways in which one  person or a group can have power over another
  • know some of the reasons why people use bullying behaviours
  • give examples of people with disabilities who lead amazing lives
  • explain ways in which difference can be a source of conflict and a cause for celebration


Autumn 1 2021


MATHS – As mathematicians, we will be focussing on:

  • number and place value reasoning
  • multiplicative reasoning
  • additive reasoning
  • number properties reasoning

We will continue to use Fluent in Five each morning to support our arithmetic skills.

It is also really important that your child regularly uses Times Table Rockstars. A secure multiplication facts knowledge will really support their learning in all areas.



As speakers, listeners, readers and writers, we will use the texts ‘Who was Tutankhamun?’ and ‘Ma’at’s Feather’, to learn about life in Ancient Egypt. We will write instructional and informative texts, as well as using the fiction as a stimulus for our own creative writing. We will use our Reciprocal reading skills to analyse the texts through predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising. Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be covering expanded noun and preposition phrases, adverbs, imperative verbs, past tense, active and passive voice, as well as punctuation for parenthesis.

Reading continues to be a main focus and we ask that your child reads every day at home. Please record in the diary when you hear your child read so that we can award them with a reading star. Children will be allocated a book banding colour of reading book, appropriate to their reading age – the book bands are expertly organised to cover a variety of writing styles and genres, as well as increasing the children’s vocabulary and comprehension skills. Please remind your child to bring his/her reading diary every day so that they can be checked and reads signed off to go towards their half-termly reading challenge. Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday – in addition, the year 5/6 statutory words must also be learnt.  



As information technologists, the children will:

  • record animations of different characters and edit them together to create an interview
  • add green screen effects to a stop motion animation.
  • create flip book animation using digital drawings and export as a Gif or video
  • mix animations and video recordings to create video interviews
  • plan, script and create a 3D animation to explain a concept or tell a story
  • choose and create different types of animations to best explain their learning



Our science work is all about ‘Evolution and Inheritance & Charles Darwin’. As scientists, we will:

  • observe the effects of the environment on plants and design an experiment to investigate some of these effects
  • investigate the effect of environmental variables on plants and interpret the results
  • explore ways in which living things are adapted to suit the environments in which they live and to help them survive
  • describe animal and plant adaptations and explain how the characteristics of the individuals in populations can change over time
  • work scientifically and make predictions about which food will be the easiest to pick up with bird’s beaks and plan a method and way of recording results
  • classify, and give reasons for classifying, plants and animals based on specific characteristics
  • explain that classification keys help us to group, identify and name a variety of living things and begin to group living things



Our topic question is, 'What happened to the boy behind the golden mask?'. As historians, we will:

  • understand where ancient Egypt sits within history
  • understand and explain the significance of a Pharaoh in ancient Egypt and look in depth at certain Pharaohs
  • identify and describe a range of artefacts discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun and suggest reasons why they might have been important to the boy Pharaoh
  • explain what the artefacts discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb tell historians about the life and beliefs of Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt
  • recognise that Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife and investigate this
  • recognise that the death of Tutankhamun is a mystery to historians
  • suggest reasons why archaeologists sometimes disagree about what historical evidence tells us and give an example from amongst the artefacts of Tutankhamun’s tomb to illustrate this



As musicians, the children will listen to and appraise a variety of Jazz songs. They will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through these songs.



As artists, we will be developing our sculpting skills by making Canopic jars and will:

  • plan and develop ideas
  • shape, form, model and join parts
  • observe and use our imagination
  • consider properties of media
  • discuss and evaluate our own work and that of other sculptors

We will also be developing our sketching and drawing skills linked to nature work by:

  • making detailed annotated sketches of plant species found in the school ground
  • using pencils to show light, shade, form, pattern and texture
  • using  pen and ink to add line, tone and perspective using a tonal ink wash
  • focussing on shade, shape, tone and texture



As sports people, our PE sessions will focus on outdoor games skills. PE sessions will be on a Monday afternoon with our PE coach. Please come to school in PE kit on a Monday due to the current circumstances.



This term we will be learning about ‘Words of Wisdom’ and ‘Humanism’. As part of religious education, we will discuss the following elements:

  • What can we learn from reflecting on Sikh, Christian and Muslim wisdom?
  • Exploring right and wrong with Christians and Humanists.



This half term our topic is ‘Being me in my world’. As part of our personal education, we will:

  • identify our goals for this year, understand our fears and worries about the future and know how to express them
  • recognise that there are universal rights for all children but for many children these rights are not met
  • understand that our actions affect other people locally and globally
  • make choices about our own behaviour because we understand how rewards and consequences feel and we understand how these relate to our rights and responsibilities
  • understand how an individual’s behaviour can impact on a group
  • understand how democracy and having a voice benefits the school community

Summer 2


This term we will be reviewing our key areas of learning, such as number and place value, formal calculation methods for all 4 operations, as well as fractions, decimals and percentages, to ensure that we have a secure grasp of these ready for transition into Y6 and Y7. In all areas, we will link our learning to problem solving and reasoning.

Recall of all multiplication facts is vitally important, as it overflows into all areas of maths: the quicker the recall, the easier the maths! Please make use of TTRS each day.



In our English sessions, we will be writing a biography about Albert Einstein, as well as using Ripley’s Mighty Machines to help us structure and write our own non-fiction texts. Reciprocal Reading will be used to help us analyse the text. All grammar and punctuation will be reviewed alongside, and linked to, our writing challenges. We will continue to learn key spelling patterns each week.


R.E.–  This half term we will continue to explore the Bible. We will be asking questions such as:

  • How is the Bible made up?
  • How was the Bible written?
  • What can be learned from the Bible?
  • What is in the New Testament?
  • Who were the main people that taught about Jesus after he died?
  • How do Christians use Jesus’ teachings



We are focussing on programming in Computing this half term and the children will:


  • solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
  • use selection in algorithms and recognise the need for conditions in repetition within algorithms
  • use logical reasoning to explain how a variety of algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms
  • create programs by decomposing them into smaller parts and use selection in programs
  • use conditions in repetition commands, work with variables and create programs that control or simulate physical systems


  • recognise, and make use, of patterns across programming projects
  • write precise algorithms for use when programming
  • identify variables needed and their use in selection and repetition
  • decompose code into sections for effective debugging
  • use a range of sequence, selection and repletion commands combined with variables as required to implement my design
  • create procedures to hide complexity in programs
  • identify and write generic code for use across multiple projects



Our science topic will focus on forces. The children will:

  • explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object, by identifying forces acting on objects
  • identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction by identifying forces acting on objects
  • explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object, by measuring the force of gravity pulling on objects
  • identify the effects of air resistance by investigating the best parachute to slow a person down
  • identify the effects of water resistance by creating and racing streamlined boats
  • identify the effects of friction by investigating brakes
  • recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect by exploring and designing a simple mechanism



This term, the children will investigate the question ‘Who are Britain’s National Parks for?’ by:

  • identifying, locating, describing and explaining the distribution of the 15 National Parks in the UK
  • observing and recording the common key natural features of the National Parks of the UK and explaining why they are referred to as the country’s ‘breathing spaces’
  • recognising those other special qualities of National Parks, which are referred to as ‘cultural heritage’ and reflecting on the importance of their own cultural heritage in the context of this
  • recognising, describing and explaining how National Parks actively encourage visitors to enjoy and learn about what makes them special
  • identifying and recording the key physical and human geographical features of Southwest England and comparing and contrasting the proportion of protected land here with other regions of the UK
  • identifying, describing through observation of the landscape of The Valley of Rocks in Exmoor National Park, and explaining the attraction of this area for visitors such as artists
  • identifying, describing and, through observation, offer reasons for the existence of the Bronze Age ceremonial landscape in Dartmoor National Park, evaluating the reflections of others and reach a judgement about its purpose
  • recognising, describing and explaining the features of a hill or upland farm and why farmers are so important in helping to achieve the aims of National Parks in the United Kingdom
  • understanding who looks after National Parks in the UK and reflecting upon and evaluating the importance of the jobs that people do
  • comparing and contrasting the Everglades National Park with Dartmoor and Exmoor National Park and understanding through explanation the main similarities and differences between National Parks in the UK and those in the United States



The children will continue to learn the ukulele with Mr Tryner, focussing on the interrelated dimensions of music.



This half term, we will be investigating fairground rides and how they work, looking at levers, pulleys and gears. The children will design, plan and make their own mechanism.



During this term, our PE sessions will focus on a range of athletic skills, on Mondays, and we will continue to swim on Tuesdays. Please make sure you come to school in PE kit on Mondays, and you have your swimming kit on a Tuesday.



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning phrases and vocabulary linked to holidays. We will learn through games and listening to songs, as well having conversations.



This term our topic centres on ‘Changing me’. We will also be supporting children with their transition into Y6 or Y7.

Summer 1


This term we will be focussing on:

  • fraction reasoning
  • multiplicative reasoning
  • algebraic reasoning

Remember to keep logging on to TTRS!



In our English sessions, we will be using Reciprocal Reading skills to read, discuss and enjoy ‘My Story - A Roman Invasion.’ We will be writing accounts and explanation texts,  and completing creative writing using ‘Talk for Writing’ activities to support our learning.



During the summer term, we will be exploring the Bible. We will be asking questions such as:

  • Why is the Bible important to Christians?
  • What characters are there in the Bible and what stories are there about them?
  • What is God like?
  • What does God like and dislike?
  • How is the Bible made up?
  • How was the Bible written?
  • What can be learned from the Bible?



In Computing, the children will be:

• creating their own online multiple choice questionnaire

• inputting data into a spreadsheet and exporting the data in a variety of ways: charts, bar charts, pie charts

• understanding how data is collected

• creating and publishing their own online questionnaire and analysing the results

• using simple formulae to solve calculations

• editing and formatting cells in a spreadsheet

• writing spreadsheet formula to solve more challenging maths problems

• creating and publishing their own online quiz with a range of media



Our science topic will focus on sound. The children will:

  • identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating
  • find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it
  • recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear
  • find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it, by exploring and creating musical instruments, and explaining how they change pitch
  • investigate the best material for absorbing sound



As part of our topic entitled ‘I am Warrior’, the children will:

  • identify and describe the modern-day countries of Europe and North Africa which formed part of the Roman Empire prior to the invasion of Britain by Emperor Claudius
  • understand through explanation the motives for Emperor Claudius to invade and occupy Britain in AD 43
  • compare and contrast the armies of Boudicca and the British Roman governor Paulinus and predict the likely outcome of their battle and justify their decision
  • understand through explanation the difference between historical evidence and legends and folklore
  • explain what the content of letters written in the first century tells us about the lives of high-status and wealthy Romans in Britain
  • identify and describe the main design features of Hadrian’s Wall and explain why it proved necessary for Emperor Hadrian to order its construction in AD 122
  • identify and describe the key features of the layout of typical Roman towns in Britain
  • explain why historians know so much about how they were designed and built
  • describe what a gladiator was and what occurred at gladiatorial games
  • explain who ianistae were and why they owned and trained gladiators in private schools
  • understand through explanation why the Romans went to so much effort and expense in organising gladiatorial games for the lower classes or plebeians
  • explain why some Romans held different perspectives about gladiatorial games and how they justified their viewpoints 


The children will focus on the Charanga unit of ‘Happy’ this half term, focussing on the interrelated dimensions of music: pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and notation.



This half term, we will:

  • explore manmade patterns
  • experience surface patterns
  • analyse and interpret manmade forms of construction (mosaics)
  • plan and develop ideas from observation and imagination
  • create our own pattern to reflect personal experiences and expression (mosaics)
  • create pattern for purposes
  • discuss and evaluate their own work and that of others



During this term our PE sessions will focus on striking and fielding games and swimming. Please ensure long hair is tied up and earrings are removed for all PE. Please come in PE kit on Mondays and arrive promptly to school on Tuesdays with your swimming kit. (Ensure you have the correct swimming kit as specified in the letter sent home and that a goggle form has been completed if you wish to wear goggles.)



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning the vocabulary and phrases associated with sport. We will learn through games, rhymes, conversations and song.



This term our topic centres on ‘Relationships’. We will:

  • have an accurate picture of who we are as a person in terms of our characteristics and personal qualities.
  • know how to keep building our own self-esteem
  • understand that belonging to an online community can have positive and negative
  • recognise when an online community feels unsafe or uncomfortable
  • understand there are rights and responsibilities in an online community or social network
  • recognise when an online community is helpful or unhelpful
  • know there are rights and responsibilities when playing a game online
  • recognise when an online game is becoming unhelpful or unsafe
  • recognise when we are spending too much time using devices (screen time)
  • identify things we can do to reduce screen time
  • explain how to stay safe when using technology to communicate with friends
  • recognise and resist pressures to use technology in ways that may be risky or may cause harm

Spring 2

(Correct prior to Covid-19 school closures)



This term we will begin by reviewing positional reasoning and angles. We will continue to complete our ‘Fluency Focus’ each day, to recall prior learning and consolidate our understanding.

Recall of all multiplication facts is also vitally important, as it overflows into all areas of maths: the quicker their recall, the easier the maths! Please complete 15 minutes on TTRS daily.


ENGLISH –Our English work will be based upon William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We will analyse the opening, complete character and setting descriptions within our writing, using the text as a stimulus and look at quotations and their meaning. Grammar teaching will link to our writing and we will be reviewing tenses, sentence types, precise verbs and adverbs, as well as vocabulary tasks, such as work on synonyms.



This half term our topic is about Jewish celebrations and we will be learning about the Shabbat experience. We will also be looking at the story of Easter and what happened to Jesus in the last few days of his life. We will discuss how it must feel to have your friend disown you, as well as discussing how Peter (& the other disciples) disowned Jesus.



In Computing, the children will create digital media, looking at:

• an interactive quiz eBook introducing hyperlinks, an eBook with text, images and sound, a presentation demonstrating understanding with a range of media and a digital timeline/mindmap with sound and video

• using online tools, e.g. blogs, Google Drive, Office 365

• an interactive presentation including a variety of media, animations, transitions and other effects

• an interactive guide to an image by embedding digital content and publishing it online

• a webpage and embedding a video

• a web site which includes a variety of media

• an app prototype that links multimedia pages together with hyperlinks

• applications to communicate to a specific audience

• evaluating their own content and considering ways to make improvements



Our science topic will focus on classification in terms of families and inheritance. We will:

  • talk about why the offspring of living things are similar but not identical to their parents
  • recognise that all living things adapt and evolve over time
  • begin to understand that all living things carry their own DNA ‘recipe’
  • use a classification key



Our key learning question is based on how crime and punishment is different now to in the past. We will:

  • understand and discuss the broad trends of crime and punishment from the Romans to the 21st century
  • understand and explain some crimes from different time periods
  • make suggestions about why they were crimes then but not perhaps later in history
  • understand and explain a variety of punishments throughout history
  • describe and explain whether punishments appear to match the crime and to make judgements about the severity of the crime in the time period
  • develop chronological knowledge and understanding of the methods of investigating/detecting crimes over time
  • identify and describe crime and punishment in the Roman period and to compare and contrast it to crime and punishment in the Victorian period
  • reach informed conclusions about how realistic stories about crime and punishment are
  • summarise and describe understanding of crime over time



The children will have ukulele lessons again this term and will continue to listen to and appraise pieces of music and to discuss musical terms within them. They will also continue their learning of pitch, tempo, rhythm, pulse and dynamics.



This half term, we will be researching and analysing the artwork of David Hockney. We will recreate pieces of his work to show light and shadow, as well as using ‘pic stitch’ to alter images in his ‘joiners’ style.



During this term, our PE sessions will focus on the skills and tactics required for a variety of invasion games. We will practise new skills and apply them to a game situation. Please ensure long hair is tied up and earrings are removed for PE. Please also make sure you come to school in PE kit each Monday.



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning about different types of food and meals. We will listen to songs, play games and have conversations, as well as writing our own conversations in French.



This term our topic centres on ‘Healthy Me’. We will:

  • know the health risks of smoking and tell you how tobacco affects the lungs, liver and heart
  • know some of the risks with misusing alcohol, including anti-social behaviour, and how it affects the liver and heart
  • know and can put into practice basic emergency aid procedures (including recovery position) and know how to get help in emergency situations
  • understand how the media and celebrity culture promotes certain body types
  • describe the different roles food can play in people’s lives and can explain how people can develop eating problems (disorders) relating to body image pressures
  • know what makes a healthy lifestyle including healthy eating and the choices I need to make to be healthy and happy

Spring 1- Misty Mountain Sierra


This term we will be focussing on:

  • fraction reasoning
  • multiplicative reasoning
  • algebraic reasoning
  • geometric reasoning



In our English sessions, we will base our work on ‘A Bottle of Happiness’ by Pippa Goodhart & illustrated by Ehsan Abddollahi. We will use the text and pictures as a model for our own story writing. We will also research and write an explanation about the water cycle. Grammar and punctuation will link into this work. We will be reviewing figurative language, tenses, active and passive voice, main and subordinate clauses, as well as colons and semi-colons and incorporating dialogue into our writing.



Our science topic will focus on states of matter. Children will:

  • Classify materials
  • Define melting and freezing
  • Explain observations of air using scientific knowledge of materials
  • Collect data and investigate evaporation
  • Describe and explain their findings
  • Understand and explain condensation



As part of our topic on ‘Misty Mountain Sierra’, we will research the following questions:

  • Why are the three mountains of Olympus, Mauna Kea and Everest so famous?
  • How were the world’s greatest mountain ranges formed?
  • Why is the legend of Mallory and Irvine the greatest unsolved mystery of mountaineering?
  • Why did Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay find fossils of sea animals on the summit of Everest?
  • How are the Cambrian Mountains different from the Himalaya Mountains?
  • Why is the climate such a challenge for Derek?



The children will be using glockenspiels to explore pitch and melody. They will learn a range of notes, how they can be combined and will do this through exploring and replicating a variety of songs.



This half term, we will:

  • understand the weaving process of the Adi tribe
  • observe textural artwork
  • design textural art experimenting with creating mood, feeling, movement
  • compare different fabrics
  • select and use materials
  • embellish our work
  • make fabric
  • apply knowledge of different techniques to express feelings
  • evaluate the finished product against the design criteria


During this term, our PE sessions will focus on dance. PE will continue to be on a Monday afternoon with our PE coach.



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra. We will learn songs, play games and use vocabulary associated with shops and shopping in our verbal and written conversations.



This half term our topic is ‘Journey through life’. Children will have the opportunity to discuss and share key experiences from their own lives, moving on to significant religious ceremonies that are celebrated in Christianity and Hinduism. We will also look at how different religions help children to become adults.



This term we will be thinking about ‘Dreams and Goals’. We will focus on the following:

  • understanding that I will need money to help me
  • achieving some of my dreams
  • knowing about a range of jobs carried out by people I know and explore how much people earn in different jobs
  • identifying a job I would like to do when I grow up and understanding what motivates me and what I need to do to achieve it
  • describing the dreams and goals of young people in a culture different to mine
  • understanding that communicating with someone in a different culture means we can learn from each other
  • identifying a range of ways that we could support each other
  • encouraging my peers to support young people here and abroad to meet their aspirations, and suggest ways we might do this, e.g. through sponsorship


COMPUTING – In Computing, the children will:

  • understand that servers on the Internet are located across the planet
  • understand how email is sent across the Internet
  • understand how the Internet enables us to collaborate
  • understand how we view web pages on the Internet
  • use search technologies effectively
  • understand that web spiders index the web for search engines
  • appreciate how pages are ranked in a search engine

Autumn 2


This term we will be focussing on:

  • multiplicative reasoning
  • additive reasoning
  • number properties reasoning
  • fraction reasoning
  • algebraic reasoning



In our English sessions, we will base our work on ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Eva Ibbotson. Our writing will focus on poetry, report writing and narratives where we will write in role. Grammar and punctuation will link into this work. We will be reviewing descriptive language, tenses, active and passive voice, main and subordinate clauses, as well as punctuation for parenthesis. Daily grammar tasks will continue to take place each morning.



In Computing, we will be learning about sound and video. We will:

  • use cutaway and split screen tools in iMovie
  • evaluate and improve the best video tools to best explain our understanding
  • further improve green screen clips using crop and resize and explore more creative ways to use the tool - wearing green clothes and the masking tool
  • use the green screen masking tool with more than one character
  • use picture in picture tools in iMovie
  • add animated subtitles to my film to further enhance my creation
  • create videos using a range of media - green screen, animations, film and image



All about burps, bottoms and bile continues this term! Children will:

  • learn about teeth names and functions
  • review oral hygiene
  • investigate the digestive system



We will be considering why fair trade is fair and researching the following questions:

  • Why was the silk road so important two thousand years ago?
  • Why does Marco Polo visit the United Kingdom every eleven weeks?
  • What does the United Kingdom export to the people of China?
  • Why isn’t trade always fair for some people?
  • Why is fair trade fair?



The children will be having ukulele lessons this half term with Mr Tryner. They will continue to learn about musical terms such as pitch, pulse, dynamics and tempo when listening to and appraising pieces of music, and learning to play pieces of music.



This half term, we will be investigating, designing and making, and evaluating biscuits/cookies using fair trade ingredients.



During this term, our PE sessions will focus on gymnastics. We will review types of jumps, rolls and slides to support our sequence work on the floor and using apparatus.



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra. Our French theme this half term is birthdays and dates. We will learn key vocabulary and conversational language through listening to songs and rhymes, playing games and oral rehearsal.



This half term our topic is ‘Expressing Faith through Art’. We will explore ways in which we can worship through music, art, dance, drama and poetry. We will focus on Hinduism and Christianity, and compare and contrast how faith is expressed through the arts.



This term we will be celebrating difference and looking at:

  • Different cultures
  • Racism
  • Rumours and name-calling
  • Types of bullying
  • Money
  • Differences across the world

Autumn 1 2020 - Hola Mexico!



This term we will be focussing on:

  • number and place value reasoning
  • multiplicative reasoning
  • additive reasoning
  • number properties reasoning



In our English sessions, we will learn about ‘Maya Creation Stories’, writing our own in a similar style, as well as looking at the text ‘Incredible Edibles’ where we will analyse and use the text as a model to write our own revolting recipes! Grammar and punctuation will link into this work and we will be covering expanded noun and preposition phrases, adverbs, imperative verbs, past tense, active and passive voice, as well as punctuation for parenthesis.



In Computing, the children will:

  • record animations of different characters and edit them together to create an interview
  • add green screen effects to a stop motion animation.
  • create flip book animation using digital drawings and export as a Gif or video
  • mix animations and video recordings of themselves to create video interviews
  • plan, script and create a 3D animation to explain a concept or tell a story
  • choose and create different types of animations to best explain their learning



Our science work is all about burps, bottoms and bile! Children will:

  • review what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet
  • learn about teeth names and functions
  • review oral hygiene
  • investigate the digestive system



Our topic is ‘Hola Mexico!’ We will investigate and answer the following questions:

  • Who are the Maya and where do they live?
  • What are the main occupations of Maya people today?
  • What did John and Frederick rediscover in 1839?
  • What do the ruins of Chichen Itza tell us about the lives of ancient Maya?
  • Why do historians know so much about ancient Maya society?
  • Why was pok-a-tok more than just a ball game?
  • Why did the ancient Maya leave their jungle cities?



The children will listen to and appraise songs by Abba. They will learn about the interrelated dimensions of music through these songs.



We will be developing our modelling skills by creating papier mache ‘day of the dead’ masks and healthy tortilla style pizzas, applying our knowledge of a healthy, balanced diet to support us!



During this term, our PE sessions will focus on outdoor games skills. PE sessions will be on a Monday afternoon with our PE coach. Please come to school in PE kit on a Monday due to the current circumstances.



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning vocabulary and phrases linked to our classroom and our pencil case.



This term we will be thinking about ‘What is important?’ We will look at guidelines for behaviour at school, home and in other areas. We will think about our values, which may affect our behaviours, as well as looking at how we are influenced in our communities.



This half term our topic is ‘Being me in my world’. We will:

  • face new challenges positively and know how to set personal goals
  • understand our rights and responsibilities as a British citizen
  • understand our rights and responsibilities as a British citizen and a member of our school
  • make choices about our own behaviour because we understand how rewards and consequences feel
  • understand how an individual’s behaviour can impact on a group
  • understand how democracy and having a voice benefits the school community and know how to participate in this

Summer 2 - Stargazers

(Correct prior to Covid-19 school closures.)




In our English sessions, we will read ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce and ‘Cosmic Disco’ poetry collection. We will create our own poetry using poems read as a stimulus and structure, as well as writing reports, information texts, discussion texts and writing in role. We will also link our writing into our space themed topic.

We will continue to review the Y5/6 spellings, as well as elements of grammar and punctuation which are specifically linked to our writing areas.

Reading continues to be a main focus and we ask that your child reads every day at home. We ask that you please record in the diary when you hear your child read. Please remind your child to bring his/her reading diary every day.




We will continue to follow our spiral curriculum focussing on the following topics:

  • Roman numerals and time
  • Proportional reasoning
  • Statistical reasoning
  • Measures and describing patterns
  • Problem solving involving all four operations
  • Revision of topics covered



Our work is related to our topic ‘Stargazers’ and will include investigating the following questions:

  • ‘Why do planets have craters?’
  • ‘How do we know the Earth is round?’
  • ‘How does the Moon move?’
  • ‘How do rockets take off?

Work will also include an exciting visit to the National Space Centre to find out more about the Space Race and the Earth, Moon and Sun, the stars and our Solar System.




The children have been commissioned by Government ministers to investigate and explore the problems and solutions that could be encountered in sending 30 people into space for five years. For the next 7 weeks, the children will become ‘Space explorers’ and will seek information about a mysterious Planet called Earth and its Solar System. During the duration of their commission, they will be given a number of ‘Space Missions’ to complete. At the end of their mission, they will present their findings to Government Ministers.




The children will listen to popular songs about space, including ‘Rocket Man’ by Elton John and ‘Major Tom’ by David Bowie, analysing the lyrics to discover the stories being told and how they are reflective of the time they were written. We will compare the songs to the classical piece ’The Planets’ by Gustav Holst.




We will listen to the music 2001 Space Odyssey and Holst Planet Suite and use pastels, chalks and watercolour paint to create different images of views from our ‘Spaceship’ We will be thinking about colour, pattern, shape and form.




In Computing, we will use Audacity to record our own version of the first Moon landing. We will continue using our Computing skills within our topic to research information.




This term we will be thinking about our beautiful world. We will investigate big questions, such as the origins of the world, including the differing views of people with and without a faith, the management and care of the earth and the existence or non-existence of God. We will look at the different views about the beginning of the world through research and using various art forms to express these views. This will be followed by an investigation into environmental issues and stewardship of the world, and in particular the responsibility of humans for the care for the environment.




During this term our less confident swimmers will continue taking swimming lessons every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit for each session. In addition, they will be working with the sports coach on a Monday afternoon developing their Athletic skills.




This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra. Our French theme this half term is hobbies. Through the use of songs, rhymes, games and role-play we will learn the key vocabulary and phrases linked to this theme, to enable us to have a conversation and write key sentences.

Summer 1

Tomorrow's World

(Correct prior to Covid-19 school closures)


Our maths will continue to follow our spiral curriculum. This half term we will learn about:

  • Angles and turns
  • Translation, reflection and co-ordinates
  • Statistics
  • Time and Roman numerals


We will continue to use TTRS and Fluent in Five to work on our arithmetic skills.



Our English lessons this half term will focus on the text ‘Floodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick. We will be writing in role, writing formal persuasive letters to a character, composing instructional writing for rules to live on Eel Island, as well as narrative and report writing. Grammar and punctuation revision will continue in the build up to SATs. 


We will continue to complete our Daily Grammar tasks to revisit past learning and our spellings will continue to follow the 'Sounds and Syllables' scheme.



This half term we become software designers. The children will start by playing and analysing educational computer games, identifying those features that make a game successful. They will then plan and design a game, with a clear target audience in mind. They will create a working prototype, and then develop it further to add functionality and improve the user interface. Finally, they will test their game and make any necessary changes.



Our Science Topic this half term is ‘Everyday Materials’. We will investigate the materials used in our school building and why they were used; plan a fair test to identify the best type of carrier bag; carry out a comparative test to see what properties of materials make a plate suitable for a particular purpose; research materials that can be used as insulators; and the children will also raise their own questions to investigate the absorbency of materials.



Our Topic this half term is ‘Tomorrows World.’ During the term, we will explore the rapidly changing new technologies that shape our world. We will investigate how technology affects the lives of people across the planet and their impact on natural resources. We will meet four families living in China and think about how one country is trying to overcome the pollution problems created by its rapid expansion of industry.



This half term we will explore the work of the artist Eric Joyner and the robot sculptor, Clayton Bailey. Using modroc we will design and make our own robots.



This half term our music is based on ‘A Tragic Story’ by Benjamin Britten. Musical activities will include pulse, rhythm and pitch games, as well as vocal warm ups in preparation for learning songs in different styles.



Our PE this half term will be net/wall games.  The children will explore the skills and tactics needed for a variety of games. 



This half term we will discuss our own special places and then establish that a church is a special place for Christians. The children will be introduced to 4 imaginary families, new to the area, and looking for a church. They will investigate criteria for discovering the best church for each family and review their local church, producing an information pack on the church for a newcomer in the community. We will visit the St Philip’s Centre in Leicester to discover how a Mosque is a special place to Muslims and a synagogue is a special place to Jewish people.



This half term, our 'Jigsaw' learning focusses on 'Relationships'. We will:

  • discuss significant people in our lives
  • look at feelings and stages associated with loss or bereavement
  • recognise controlling behaviour, including with technology
  • look at how technology can be used safely and  positively



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra. Our French theme this half term is ‘Shops' and we will learn the vocabulary and phrases related to this topic through songs, rhymes and games.

Spring 2

Under our feet

This half term we will research our local area to find out about the impact of pit closures on the mining community. We look forward to enhancing our topic with a visit to the National Coal Mining Museum on 10th March, learning about the life of a miner.  We will investigate the conditions of working in a Coal mine over time, for both adults and children.


We will also become geologists, looking at what is under our feet! We will research fossil fuels and investigate the formation of coal and fossils. We will learn about the different rock types and how they are formed.


We will be sketching buildings and artefacts linked to our visit to the National Coal Mining Museum, as well as using  powder paints to build up paintings of imaginary landscapes and industrial buildings.  In addition, we will research and design our own Miner’s lunchbox and nutritional sandwich.


Our English lessons this half term will focus on the short story ‘The Giant’s Necklace’ by Michael Morpurgo. Writing will include using descriptive language, writing setting descriptions for contrasting coastal images, newspaper reports and diary entries. We will also be writing explanation and instruction texts.



This term we will:

  • review our division strategies for both metal and formal methods
  • review and calculate areas, perimeters and volumes of a variety of shapes
  • consolidate multiplication and division of fractions
  • review ratio and scaling
  • learn about angles and translation



This term the children will continue to explore different religions in our local area. They will:

  • look at how Hindus worship and the role of the priest
  • research what it is like to be a Hindu in Nottingham
  • look at some aspects of the Sikh faith and tradition
  • think carefully about what we can learn from different places of worship



This half term our topic is ‘Healthy Me’. We will learn about:

  • the impact of food on the body, e.g. creating energy, giving comfort and altering mood
  • different types of drugs and their uses and their effects on the body, particularly the liver and heart
  • evaluating whether alcohol is used responsibly, anti-socially or being misused
  • basic emergency first aid procedures (e.g. the recovery position) and know how to get help in emergency situations
  • being emotionally well and explore people’s attitudes towards mental health/illness
  • feeling stressed and the triggers that cause this and how stress can cause alcohol misuse



This half term we will continue to learn and enjoy playing the Ukulele with a focus on dynamics. We will:

  • identify and combine sounds with a crescendo and diminuendo that creates tension
  • play sounds with  multiple notated dynamics to a pulse to create different moods
  • maintain a repeated pattern with multiple different notated dynamics to a pulse to create moods and effects
  • change and create a pattern using piano, mezzo forte, forte, crescendo and diminuendo to create an effect



Our PE this half term will focus on invasion games. We will learn the rules, tactics and teamwork skills necessary to complete a variety of invasion games well, such as attacking and defending strategies and formations.  



We will become interface designers, sketching, planning and developing ideas for our App interface.  We will source and develop backgrounds, images, sound effects and a video for the App.



Our French theme this half term is clothing. We will learn key vocabulary through games and songs and apply this to conversations, which we will rehearse verbally before transferring into writing.







Spring Term 1



This half term, we will become historical detectives and travel back in time to research a time when Victoria was Queen and Albert was Prince Consort. A time when some people lived in slums while others prospered. We will examine first hand evidence including photographs, paintings, diaries, artefacts and census material. We will take on the role of an important reformer and present our good causes to the Queen. Will we be able to cause a revolution of change?


We will be looking closely at the work of the Victorian artists L.S. Lowry and William Morris. We will sketch Victorian artefacts, developing our skills using pencil, pastel and pen and ink. We will draw close up views of bicycles and enlarge them into detailed pen and ink sketches.


Our English lessons will focus on the book ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. We will use reciprocal reading skills to discuss and analyse the text and use the text as a stimulus for descriptive writing.




This term we will be:

  • reviewing short division and interpreting remainders in context
  • using formula and interpreting and solving simple algebraic equations
  • classifying 2d shapes and identifying properties of 3d shapes
  • working with nets
  • converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
  • calculating percentages of amounts using the most efficient strategies.



We will extend our learning on light this half term by developing our scientific enquiry skills. We will:

  • develop our hypotheses based on our scientific knowledge
  • plan and carry out our own investigations on light
  • record data in the most appropriate ways
  • draw conclusions based on our findings and what we know.



This term the children will explore different religions in our local area, developing positive attitudes and thoughtfulness through the investigation of non-violence and the consequences of actions, as well as exploring freedom of beliefs, harmony and respect.



This half term we will be thinking about ‘Dreams and Goals’. We will:

  • set challenging yet realistic goals
  • look at how to motivate ourselves and others
  • identify problems and talk about these with others
  • work with people to make the world a better place
  • learn how to accept and give praise.



Autumn 2 2019

Raiders and Settlers




We will be researching what the Vikings wanted and how Alfred helped to stop them getting it. We will explore:

  • The ‘terror’ that appeared in Britain on June 8th 793
  • Where the Vikings came from and where they raided
  • The design of their longships and why this was so important
  • The two treasures that most Viking Norsemen wanted from Britain
  • Why the Vikings settled where they did and Viking place names
  • Horned helmets – historical fact or myth?
  • Why Alfred is the only King or Queen of England to have ‘the Great’ after their name



Our English lessons will be linked to our topic ‘Raiders and Settlers’ and we will be studying the text ‘Viking Boy’ by Tony Bradman. We will be writing diary entries, newspaper reports, setting descriptions and short stories.


ART and DT

We will explore Viking patterns and recreate one of our own which we will use to form a printing tile and repeating printing pattern. We will research Viking bread and make our own, as well as designing and making our own Viking longships.



This half term in our topic on ‘Light’, we will:

  • Explain how light travels
  • Understand how mirrors reflect light
  • Investigate refraction
  • Investigate the spectrum of light
  • Explore shadows



We will become game developers this half term where we will plan and design a prototype game, debug the game script and test the game.



This half term our topic focuses on Christian charities and Christmas journeys. We will explore poverty and ways in which people can support others through the teachings of Jesus and explore the true meaning of Christmas.



This half term our topic is ‘Celebrating Difference’. We will explore views of what constitutes ‘normal’, discuss how disability could affect someone’s life, explore power struggles and bullying behaviour, learn about people with disabilities who lead amazing lives and celebrate a world of difference.



Autumn 1 2019

'The Blue Abyss'




Throughout our topic on 'The Blue Abyss', we will be learning about:

  • the life of Captain James Cook, his voyages and their significance
  • seas, oceans and coastal features
  • the HMS Challenger
  • threats to our coast and sea creatures, focussing on plastic pollution and its impact



We will be researching Monet’s seascape entitled ‘Waves Breaking’, ‘The Wave’ by Albert Bierstadt and ‘A fishing boat at sea’ by Vincent Van Gogh. We will become artists and create our own paintings in the different styles, as well as painting portraits of Captain Cook.



Our English lessons will be linked to our topic ‘The Blue Abyss’. We will write persuasive texts about the impact on seas, sea creatures and coastlines from plastic pollution, a biography of Captain James Cook, reports and diary writing about the HMS Challenger and information texts about marine life.



This half term in our topic on ‘Living Things and their Habitats’, we will be:

  • researching reproduction in some plants and animals
  • describing life cycles of mammals, birds, insects and amphibians
  • comparing the differences between the life cycles of mammals, birds, insects and amphibians
  • classifying plants and animals



This half term our topic is ‘Diwali’. Learning will centre on the representation of light in Christianity and Diwali’s significance in the Hindu and Sikh religions. We will compare the similarities and differences within both of these religions.



We will be developing our coding skills creating a script using variables, programming a turtle and drawing pixel by pixel.

Homework support

Summer 2

Pharaohs and the River Nile and The Circulatory System

Image result for heart      Image result for the circulatory system ks2    


In our English sessions, we will be researching the heart and the circulatory system, writing explanation texts, information texts and stories based on how blood travels around our body. We will carry out reciprocal reading challenges, looking at the elements of prediction, clarification, questioning and summarising. We will review the grammar we have learnt this year, with particular focus on passive voice, tenses, parenthesis and main and subordinate clauses, as well as the punctuation to accompany each of them. We will continue to learn new spellings with our sounds and syllables approach.



We will learn all about the heart and circulatory system, finding out about how blood travels around our body. We will also carry out an investigation into heart rate.



Linked to our science topic of the heart and the circulatory system, we will use our knowledge of a healthy, balanced diet to carry out market research which will help us to create a healthy snack. We will write instructions for our design, as well as make and evaluate them.



This term we will be focussing on statistical reasoning, measures and describing patterns, financial maths and enterprise and problem solving.



Our topic continues to focus on ‘Pharaohs and the River Nile’. We will:

  • Research and investigate Tutankhamun’s life and possible events surrounding his death
  • Learn about the life of a Pharaoh through investigating the contents of Tutankhamun’s tomb
  • Learn about the key features of rivers
  • Identify how rivers change from source to mouth
  • Study the uses of the river Nile in the past and present


We will continue to explore Muslim families and beliefs looking at:

  • What family life is like for Muslims.
  • What happens at a Muslim marriage.
  • How Muslims welcome new babies into their families.
  • The 5 pillars:

-           Faith

-           Prayer

-           Charity

-           Fast during Ramadan

-           Pilgrimage



In Computing, the children will become ‘App planners’. They will research the market, create a design and pitch their ideas!



Summer 1

Pharaohs and the River Nile


In our English sessions, we will be reading Tutankhamun and sections of ‘Orphan of the Sun’, both by Gill Harvey. We will carry out reciprocal reading challenges, looking at the elements of prediction, clarification, questioning and summarising and use shared writing techniques to help us plan and write non-chronological reports and recounts. We will review the grammar we have learnt this year, with particular focus on types of subordinate clauses. We will continue to learn new spellings with our sounds and syllables approach.


This term we will be focussing on statistical reasoning, Roman numerals and time, proportional reasoning, measures and describing patterns, as well as topics on problem solving and financial maths and enterprise.


Our topic is ‘Pharaohs and the River Nile’. We will:

  • Locate Egypt on the world map
  • Complete a timeline of key events during ancient times
  • Learn about mummies and mummification
  • Research about the life and work of Howard Carter
  • Research and investigate Tutankhamun’s life and possible events surrounding his death
  • Learn about the life of a Pharaoh through investigating the contents of Tutankhamun’s tomb
  • Learn about the key features of rivers
  • Identify how rivers change from source to mouth
  • Study the uses of the river Nile in the past and present


In Computing, the children will become cryptographers. They will transmit information by semaphore, use Morse code, create and crack codes, as well as reviewing online security and password strength.


In Science, we will carry out research based on the question - how do humans develop and mature? We will also investigate whether we slow down as we get older.


We will be exploring Muslim families and beliefs looking at:

  • How the Qur’an come about.
  • How the first call to prayer was made, who made it and why.
  • Who Muslims worship through the Qur’an and at mosques.
  • What family life is like for Muslims.
  • What happens at a Muslim marriage.
  • How Muslims welcome new babies into their families.
  • The 5 pillars:

-           Faith

-           Prayer

-           Charity

-           Fast during Ramadan

-           Pilgrimage


This half term our topic is all about healthy and safer lifestyle choices. Children will find out about things that cause harm to our bodies and discuss how to respond to tricky situations.


Linked to our topic of Egyptians, we will learn about hieroglyphics and complete writing in this style, as well as using clay to create model Canopic jars.


During this term, we will learn rules for striking and fielding games and review skills such as short and long fielding techniques, short and close catching, and driving through with a hit. Some children will also complete their swimming sessions.


This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra. Children will learn vocabulary and key phrases for a variety of sports and games.


This term we will continue to work with Mr Tryner developing our skills on the Ukulele. We will review pitch and pulse, and continue to apply our skills to play songs as a group

Homework guidance

Spring 2

Peasants, Princes and Pestilence


This term we will be focussing on spatial reasoning looking at volume and capacity, proportional reasoning of scaling and ratio, positional reasoning of angles and translations and fraction problem solving.



In our English sessions, we will be reading the text ‘Children of Winter’ by Berlie Doherty, which takes us back in time to what it might have been like to live through the plague in the Derbyshire village of Eyam. We will carry out reciprocal reading challenges for each chapter and use shared writing techniques to help us plan and write first person recounts such as letters and diary entries, as well as descriptive writing. We will review the use of apostrophes for possession and contractions, changing the formality of a text, uses of the colon and semi-colon, determiners, dialogue, adverbials and active and passive voice. We will continue to learn new spellings with our sounds and syllables approach.



During our topic of pilgrimages, we will focus our learning on:

  • What are people of faith’s special places?

  • What are pilgrimages?

  • Where are important pilgrimage places?

  • Why is Jerusalem a special place of pilgrimage for different religions?

  • Where else do Christians go on pilgrimages and why?

  • Where do Muslims go on pilgrimages?

  • What happens at the Hajj?

  • Where do Sikhs and Hindus go on pilgrimages?

We will also focus on the special time of year for Christians – Easter – reviewing:

  • What happened in Jesus’ last week and what is the meaning of the cross?

  • How does the issue of forgiveness fit into the story?



Our science work will focus on micro-organisms and life-cycles. We will study:

  • What micro-organisms are and how they grow

  • How germs are easily transferred

  • The bacteria Yersinia pestis

  • The life cycles of rodents and fleas

We will also describe and investigate helpful and harmful micro-organisms.



Our topic is ‘The Great Plague’. We will:

  • Research and record the main events of the great plague

  • Use sources of information to research plague remedies and their effectiveness

  • Use historical sources to debate an event from the past

  • Present historical data as graphs

  • Use maps to locate and label places of interest

  • Compare and contrast our village with Eyam, Derbyshire



Linked to our topic of The Great Plague, we will research and create our own medieval bread recipe.



In Computing, the children will become market researchers where they will collect, record and present their own data.

Homework Support

Spring Term 1


Road Trip to the USA


This term we will be focussing on geometric reasoning, reviewing our understanding of 2d and 3d shapes and applying this to problem solving. We will be revisiting fractions, decimals and percentages, looking at finding percentages and fractions of amounts. We will deepen our understanding of formal methods for division, using known multiplication facts to help. We will review our understanding of area and perimeter and apply this to problems, as well as multiplying and dividing with fractions.



In our English sessions, we will be focussing on Native American myths and legends. We will carry out reciprocal reading challenges on a variety of myths and use shared writing techniques of boxing up the tales to help us plan and write our own. We will review the use of colons, semi-colons and dashes, as well as modal verbs and punctuation of dialogue. We will continue to learn new spellings with our sounds and syllables approach.



During the Spring term, we will become detectives, investigating the life and teachings of Jesus. We will ask questions such as:

  • What were his relationships like?

  • Was he a good friend?

  • Who were his disciples & why did they follow him?

  • What miracles did Jesus perform and why?



Our science work will focus on electricity. We will study:

  • Circuits and circuit diagrams

  • Switches

  • Resistance

We will also investigate how to tell whether a circuit will light a bulb or series of bulbs from a diagram.



During our topic on ‘Road Trip to the USA’, we will:

  • study maps of north and south America

  • review lines of longitude and latitude

  • learn about physical geography of regions in America

  • compare physical and human geography of areas in America to our local area

  • research and learn about lifestyles of Native American tribes



The children will use software to create art work such as tessellations and create programs to design their own artwork.

Homework Support

Autumn 2 2018


Alchemy Island

Our topic is ‘Alchemy Island’. In geography sessions, the children will investigate and explore maps using 4 and 6 figure grid references to locate places on a map of the island, recognise and describe human and physical features, use a scale to calculate distance, as well as combining all of this knowledge to create their own island map.


Art work will focus on creating views through a portal using digital images as a starting point. They will use these to create an imaginary painting of a landscape, using watercolours and different brushes for purpose. They will build up the picture in layers, looking at distance, middle ground and foreground, and use cold colours and shades to recreate a Narnia style scene, relating to their own island.


In our English sessions, we will be using ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ by CS Lewis as a stimulus for descriptive writing of settings and characters. We will be writing dialogue between two characters, as well as first person accounts. Grammar and punctuation work will link into our writing. It will focus on direct speech, parenthesis, use of semi-colons, colons and dashes to join main clauses and different types of subordinate clauses.



We will continue to think about amazing men and women in the Old Testament of the Bible, looking into the lives of Noah, Abraham, Esther, Daniel, David, Hannah & Samuel.



Our science work will focus on reversible and irreversible changes around us. The children will plan investigations such as:

  • How much gas is produced from a non-reversible change?

  • How long do candles take to burn?

  • How long does it take for a nail to rust?

  • What are the bubbles in honeycomb?




Support and guidance

Autumn Term 1 2018


Darwin's Delights




In our English sessions, our writing will focus on the life of Charles Darwin. We will be writing diaries from first person perspectives, non-chronological reports and using pictures to aid our descriptive writing. Texts that will support our writing are:

  • Who Was Charles Darwin?
  • What Mr Darwin Saw
  • Charles Darwin's Around the World Adventure
  • One Beetle Too Many


Our topic is ‘Darwin’s Delights’. We will research and plot on a timeline the key events of Charles Darwin's life and track his travels on the HMS Beagle, naming and locating key oceans and continents. We will research and compare the Galapagos Islands, the Falkland Islands and the Cape Verde Islands. In addition, we will explore the lines of longitude and latitude of each place.


Our science work is all about evolution and inheritance. We will look at how organisms can be bred to create certain characteristics, we will observe and investigate the effects of the environment on plants, explore how living things adapt to their environment, as well as how they adapt over time, look at how fossils help us to learn about the past and describe the process of natural selection.


Children will create their own sketch books in the style of Charles Darwin, using graded pencils, pen and ink and water colours for their observational drawings.



During the Autumn term, we will be thinking about amazing men and women in the Old Testament of the Bible.

We will:

  • recall Abraham’s story and his obedience to God.
  • understand his response to God’s promise of a son.
  • understand the main parts of the story of Hannah - wanting a baby, naming him Samuel, and giving him back to God by letting Eli the priest raise him.
  • realise that Hannah prayed for son, Samuel, and Samuel anointed David.
  • find out what happened in some stories of David.
  • describe David’s childhood, his fight with Goliath, and relationship with God.
  • identify aspects of Esther’s story and some of the events at the festival of Purim.







Homework guidance

Y5/6 Spelling List


Summer Term 2 2018

Scream Machine!

In our English sessions, we will be writing a biography about Albert Einstein, as well as using Ripley’s Mighty Machines to help us structure and write our own non-fiction texts. All grammar and punctuation will be reviewed alongside and linked to our writing challenges.


Our science topic will focus on forces. The children will:

  • Review balanced and unbalanced forces.

  • Research gravity.

  • Investigate air and water resistance.

  • Review what friction is and carry out investigations.


This term in Geography, linked to our topic ‘Scream Machine’, the children will research:

  • The main theme parks in the UK and where they are located.

  • Where they are in relation to urban, rural and transport links.

  • Which theme park is nearest to home and plan the route for a particular mode of transport.

  • Visit websites of parks outside of the UK.

  • Take virtual tours and analyse maps and plans.

  • Compare the parks to the UK in terms of size, capacity, cost and transport links.


In DT, we will be investigating fairground rides and how they work, looking at levers, pulleys and gears. The children will design, plan and make their own mechanism.


This term in maths, we will be reviewing the following: converting units, position and direction, as well as volume, area and perimeter. We will be applying our learning to problem solving situations and using the bar model to help us.


In RE, we will continue to explore the Bible. We will be asking questions such as:

  • How is the Bible made up?

  • How was the Bible written?

  • What can be learned from the Bible?

  • What is in the New Testament?

  • Who were the main people that taught about Jesus after he died?

  • How do Christians use Jesus’ teachings?

  • What are features of the Bible?


In Computing, the children will become Web Developers - planning, designing and creating their own webpages.


In Music sessions, the children will listen to and appraise ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams, comparing and contrasting it to other songs of a similar theme. They will discuss pulse, rhythm and tempo when making comparisons.


Our PSHCE work will focus on  ‘managing changes’ and we will be supporting children with their transition into Y6 or Y7.


PE sessions will focus on net and wall games. Please make sure appropriate footwear (supportive trainers) and school PE kit is in school each week. Children have also been given their timetable for swimming sessions if they have them this term.


This half term  in French, we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning about phrases and vocabulary linked to our homes.


Summer Term 1 2018


I am Warrior!

What was life like in Britain before the Roman invasions? Why did the Romans invade? How did people feel about this?

During our topic entitled 'I am Warrior', children will learn about the impact of the Roman invasions on Britain.

They will research:

  • Celtic tribes in Britain before the Roman invasions.

  • Roman invasions and the spread of the Roman Empire.

  • How Roman roads were built and why.

  • Boudicca’s rebellion.

  • Hadrian’s Wall and Emperor Hadrian.

  • Gods and Goddesses.

  • Roman baths.


This half term we will be exploring the Bible. We will be asking questions such as:

  • Why is the Bible important to Christians?

  • What characters are there in the Bible and what stories are there about them?

  • What is God like?

  • What does God like and dislike?

  • How is the Bible made up?

  • How was the Bible written?

  • What can be learned from the Bible?



The children will be developing their own apps by assembling assets, establishing algorithms, coding, debugging, refining and testing.



Our science topic will focus on sound. The children will:

  • Learn about the parts of the ear and how we hear.

  • Explore pitch.

  • Explore how sound travels.

  • Investigate ways to absorb sound.




The children will continue to have ukulele lessons this half term looking at pitch, following musical scores and learning new songs.



This half term, we will be exploring patterns in the form of Roman mosaics, as well as sculpting Roman style oil lamps from clay.



During this term our PE sessions will focus on striking and fielding games. Please ensure long hair is tied up and earrings are removed for PE. Please also make sure warm outdoor clothing is in school.



This half term we will learn about food, using French vocabulary to ask for and buy a variety of foods from different shops.



This term our topic centres on ‘Healthy Lifestyles’. We will discuss how to maintain a healthy mind and body, as well as ways of receiving support if needed. Our 'Take 5' breathing will help us with maintaining a healthy mind and body.


Homework guidance

Spring Term 2 2018


Guilty or not guilty?

It is 1830 the Defendant, Isabella Makin, is 11 years old. She has been charged with stealing three coats, two waistcoats, a pair of breeches, a pair of boots and a table cloth.  

The defendant lives in Narrow Marsh, an area of Nottingham, with her family.

Isabella must help her family out as her father is ill and cannot work. Her mother must look after Isabella’s younger sisters and cannot go to work because there in no-one to care for them. They are very poor and have very little money to live on.

This is not Isabella’s first time in court. If she is found guilty this time, she will be punished harshly.

Isabella has been found guilty of stealing on four previous occasions. She has been imprisoned four times.

Will our jury find her guilty of theft?

Will our judge sentence her to prison for a fifth time?

What fate will await her?



Our English work this half term will focus on William Shakespeare's Macbeth. We will look at different adaptations of this play for children, use drama activities to help us understand and interpret the play and complete writing activities such as first person accounts and newspaper reports, using our talk for writing techniques to support us.



This term we will be focussing on averages, area, perimeter and volume, as well as angles. All of our learning will be linked with prior knowledge and applied to problems solving contexts.


This half term our topic is about Jewish celebrations and we will be learning about the Shabbat experience. We will also be looking at the story of Easter and what happened to Jesus in the last few days of his life. We will discuss how it must feel to have your friends disown you, as well as discussing how Peter (& the other disciples) disowned Jesus.



We will use ‘photostory’ to import and arrange pictures, adding captions and voice overs to show the changes in crime and punishment throughout British history.



Our science topic will focus on classification in terms of families and inheritance. We will ask questions such as:

  • Why are things classified?

  • How does inheritance work?



As part of our topic on ID, we will look at changes in crime and punishment throughout British history, ranging from the Roman era to Victorian Britain. We will also discuss how our knowledge of the past comes from a variety of sources and that different interpretations of stories exist.



Class Willow will have ukulele lessons again this term and will continue to look at pitch, follow musical scores and learn new songs.



This half term, we will be researching and critically analysing the artwork of David Hockney. We will recreate pieces of his work to show light and shadow, as well as using ‘pic stitch’ to alter images in his ‘joiners’ style.



During this term our PE sessions will focus on physical challenges and athletics. Please ensure long hair is tied up and earrings are removed for PE. Please also make sure warm outdoor clothing is in school.



This half term we will continue to work with Madame Balestra learning about family, using French vocabulary to describe our own families.



Our topic centres on ‘Myself and My Relationships’. We will discuss how to recognise emotions in ourselves and others, coping strategies for difficult times and how to manage our changing emotions.


Homework guidance

Spring Term 1 2018

Misty Mountain Sierra

As part of our topic this term, we will be comparing and contrasting different mountains, looking at their locations and statistics such as their height & temperature at different levels. We will also be learning about the water cycle.


We will be researching the life of Edmund Hillary to determine why he is a key figure in history and using photographs as sources of historical data.


We will also be looking at the life of the Adi people, a mountain dwelling community and comparing their lifestyle with our own. We will also be researching and replicating their weaving designs.


Our Science topic will focus on states of matter. We will be investigating questions such as:

  • How quickly does ice melt?
  • Where does water go?
  • Is custard a liquid?


We will be using the story of 'A Bottle of Happiness' by Pippa Goodhart as a basis for our story writing, as well as the fantastic illustrations by Ehsan Abddollahi as stimuli for our descriptive writing.


RE work will take us on a journey of our lives to share and discuss key times of celebration. We will then look into the religions of Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism to see what key ceremonies are celebrated and how these religions prepare children for adult life.


Homework Guidance

Autumn term 2 2017


This term we will be continuing to find out about our digestive systems. We will investigate how each part works and look at the role of spit in the digestive process.


Our DT topic will focus on chocolate! We will carry out market research to establish the type of products that our customers want to buy. We will design, plan and make chocolates based on our research, to sell at the Christmas Fair!


We will learn about 'Fair Trade', why it is important and how it has helped farmers all over the world. We will look at the process of chocolate being made, from bean to bar, and write an explanation text.


Our RE work will centre on 'Arts in the Faiths'. We will learn about music, dance, drama and much more throughout a range of religions.



Our English this half term will focus on the text 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson. We will analyse the style of writing and vocabulary choices, as well as writing first person accounts and descriptive writing using the text as a model.


Homework Guidance

Autumn term 1 2017

Hola Mexico!

This half term, our English, geography and history work will be based on our topic about Mexico.


We will be learning about and writing our own Maya creation stories, creting a powerpoint presentation to compare England with Mexico in a country comparison study, as well as researching what life was like for the ancient Mayans....


  • What did they eat?
  • How did they farm?
  • What do the ancient buildings tell us about their lives?
  • Who are significant people in the discovery of the life of the ancient Maya?
  • What was their number system like?
  • What were their religious beliefs and rituals?


We will also be designing and making our own tortilla based pizzas!


Our science work is all about burps, bottoms and bile! Children will review what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet, learn about teeth names and functions, as well as oral hygiene and investigate the digestive system.

Websites to support learning at home


Homework guidance

Summer Term 2

Out of this world

The year is 2050 and the children have been commissioned by the Government ministers to investigate and explore the problems and solutions that could be encountered in sending 30 people into space for five years.


For the next 7 weeks, the children will become ‘Space explorers’ and will seek information about a mysterious Planet called Earth and its Solar System. During the duration of their commission, they will be given a number of ‘Space Missions’ to complete.

  • Why do planets have craters?
  •  How do we know the Earth is round?
  • How does the Moon move?
  • How do rockets take off?

At the end of their mission, they will present their findings to Government Ministers!


Work will also include an exciting visit to the National Space Centre to find out more about the Space Race and the Earth, Moon and Sun, the stars and our Solar System.




Our English work will link into our space topic with 'Cosmic' by Frank Cottrell Boyce and 'Cosmic Disco' a collection of poetry.


Class newsletter

Ideas to support your child's learning at home





Summer Term 1

Tomorrow's World


Our Topic this half term is ‘Tomorrows World.’ During the term, we will explore the rapidly changing new technologies that shape our world. We will investigate how technology affects the lives of people across the planet and their impact on natural resources. We will meet four families living in China and think about how one country is trying to overcome the pollution problems created by its rapid expansion of industry.


We will become software designers. The children will start by playing and analysing educational computer games, identifying those features that make a game successful. They will then plan and design a game, with a clear target audience in mind. They will create a working prototype, and then develop it further to add functionality and improve the user interface. Finally, they will test their game and make any necessary changes.


We will explore the work of the artist Eric Joyner and the robot sculptor, Clayton Bailey. Using modroc, we will design and make our own robots.



Our English lessons this half term will focus on the text ‘Floodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick. We will be writing in role, writing formal persuasive letters to a character, composing instructional writing for rules to live on Eel Island, as well as narrative and report writing.



Robot Designs


  • Please remember to complete your weekly Mathletics tasks - when you have finished these, play live!
  • Spellings will be set on and tested every Friday.
  • English/Maths written homework will be handed out each Friday to be returned the following Friday.

May half term homework

Key Recall Facts - Maths


Spring Term 2 2017

Under Our Feet!


This term we will review our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages, looking at equivalence, mixed and improper fractions and converting amounts. We will be working on algebraic formulae and geometry, focussing on angles, properties of shapes and direction & position. In addition, we will be converting between different units of metric measures and solving problems.



Our English lessons this half term will focus on the short story ‘The Giant’s Necklace’ by Michael Morpurgo. Writing will include using descriptive language, writing setting descriptions for contrasting coastal images, newspaper reports and diary entries. We will also be writing explanation and instruction texts.

History and Geography

This half term we will research our local area to find out about the impact on the mining community and the effects of pit closures. We will begin our topic with a visit to the National Coal Mining Museum, learning about the life of a miner. We will investigate the conditions of working in a Coal mine over time, for both adults and children.

Art and Design

We will be sketching buildings and artefacts linked to our visit to the National Coal Mining Museum. We will use powder paints to build up paintings of imaginary landscapes and industrial buildings. In addition, we will research and design our own Miner’s lunchbox.


We will become interface designers sketching, planning and developing ideas for our App interface. We will source and develop backgrounds, images, sound effects and a video for the App.


This half term, we will become geologists, looking at what is under our feet! We will research fossil fuels and investigate the formation of coal and fossils. We will learn about the different rock types and how they are formed. We will also become ‘Plant Detectives’, learning about how plants reproduce and whether all flowering plants are the same.


This term the children will continue to explore different religions in our local area. They will develop positive attitudes and thoughtfulness through the investigation of non-violence and recognise the consequences of actions. They will explore freedom of beliefs, harmony and respect.


This half term we will be thinking about ‘Financial Capability’. The children will explore what money means in a broader context, as well as learning how jobs are paid depending on skill set. We will introduce children to pensions, insurance and tax, as well as thinking about how the future can be planned for. We will discuss the difference between essential resources and desirable resources.

Spellings Spring 2
Homework Tasks
Spring Term 1 2017
History Detectives - Revolution



This term we will become Historical Detectives and travel back in time to research a time when Victoria was Queen and Albert was Prince Consort. A time when some people lived in slums while others prospered. We will examine first hand evidence including photographs, paintings, diaries, artefacts and census material.

We will take on the role of an important reformer and present our good causes to the Queen. Will we be able to cause a revolution of change?

During our English lessons, we will be studying the book 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. We will discover what happens to Jim when he finds himself all alone in the workhouse and desperate to escape. Life in Victorian times was very different to today.

Our Science learning will focus on our investigative skills linked into the topic of light. We will learn about the eye and how we see, investigate shadows, coloured light and refraction, as well as making our own light bulb.



We will be looking closely at the work of the Victorian artists L.S. Lowry and William Morris. We will sketch Victorian artefacts, developing our skills using pencil, pastel and pen and ink. We will draw close up views of bicycles and enlarge them into detailed pen/ink sketches.


Autumn Term 2 2016

Erik the Viking

Follow Erik the Viking to discover:

  • where the Vikings came from and why
  • what it was like to be on a long boat and part of a Viking raid
  • what it was like to be part of the Viking society
  • what food Vikings ate
  • what daily life was like for Vikings
  • what Viking settlements were like


In English we will be writing our own sagas, using 'The Saga of Erik the Viking' by Terry Jones to help us, as well as writing a recipe for Viking bread.


We will map out where the Vikings came from and where they travelled to raid and trade, as well as looking at the place names they left behind.


Our Science topic is based on 'Light'. We will study how light travels, shadows and how they change.


RE learning will centre on Christian and Muslim charities that help people throughout the world.


Our Music learning this half term will be based on the nativity story and we will be studying the poem 'Bethlehem' by Carol Ann Duffy in the build up to Christmas.


Have a look at our class newsletter below for additional information.

Our Viking day at Perlethorpe has already given us an insight into Viking life; we will use this as a starter for our topic.

Newsletter Autumn 2

Topic Homework


This is a project aimed to last throughout the half term. Each child will present their project to the rest of the class in the last full week of school. A timetable will be organised nearer the time.




There will be weekly 'Mathletics' challenges set for each child which are linked to the learning in class. Each child has been given their own username and password to access this.


Please also continue to embed all times tables.


Each child also has a username and password for 'Education City'. Class learning zones have been set up to help with multiplication facts.

Spelling Homework

Y5 & 6 Statutory Word List

Autumn Term 1 2016

The Blue Abyss

This term our learning will be centred around our topic 'The Blue Abyss'. During our residential trip to Boggle Hole, we will be visiting Whitby and the Captain Cook Museum. Children remaining at school will also be researching his life and voyages, so that we can write a biography.

We will also be finding out about Whitby and the surrounding area and writing persuasive texts in the form of holiday brochures.

We will also be learning about 'Oceanography' and the HMS Challenger, as well as learning about threats to our coastline and sea creatures and what can be done to help. Our writing focus will be on information texts and reports.

Our artwork will follow on with our sea theme, where we will be researching famous artists and their seascapes.

During DT sessions, we will design, plan, make and evaluate fish cakes and submarines, keeping to our ocean theme.

Science sessions will focus on classification of living things, life cycles and reproduction of plants and animals. We will ask and investigate questions such as:

  • Are all sea creatures the same?
  • Does pollution kill plants?
  • Can worms sense danger?


Have you tried out these websites?

Counting By Twelves Song Video

Counting By Nines Song Video

Counting By Eights Song Video

Counting By Sevens Song Video

Counting By Sixes Song Video
