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Collective Worship

Together, we love, learn and grow with God

Here at Walesby C of E Primary, Collective Worship is more than ‘just a statutory requirement, worship sets the tone for our whole day and is a key driver for delivering our R.I.C.H values respect, integrity, courage, honesty with love, friendship and kindness.


At Walesby C of E Primary our Collective worship is inclusive, inspirational and invitational.

Inclusive: something for children and teachers, of all faiths or of none to be able to join in with.

Inspirational: a time in the day when we  think about the big questions in our lives and an  occasion that supports the school community’s spiritual development.

Invitational: an opportunity for those of any religious faith or none to focus and reflect on stimuli which allow the human spirit to respond with integrity.


The main elements of G-E-R-S (gather – engage – respond - send) are present in each act of worship. 

Gather We prepare to meet with God,

 Engage We encounter Jesus and the stories of the Bible. We listen for God’s message to us.

Respond We respond to what we have heard and seen. We are given the opportunity to worship together.

Send We are sent out to love and serve one another and to make a difference in the world.




Collective worship linked to a Bible story to illustrate the current  value.



Collective worship with Christian content/ bible story linked to the value.



Collective worship with Christian content/bible linked to Picture News.

Worship focuses on one current news story, through  an image and a thought-provoking question.




Collective worship with Christian content/bible linked to the value.


‘We gather together to celebrate our gifts and talents which are given to us from God and which are precious to him.’


We end the week with a celebration of learning and behaviour, including celebrating the children’s talents and gifts by giving certificates and awards.


Our Core Christian Values

The school has close links with St Edmund’s Church. Major festivals are celebrated in Church and parents and friends are always welcome to join the staff and children.


Right to withdraw

It is possible for parents to withdraw children from Collective Worship. This is a Church School and it is hoped that parents will appreciate and respect the ethos of the school.

'Thy Kingdom Come'


Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost.

Rev Anna started our events with a morning of creative and reflective Prayer stations including the children making prayer bracelets. Later in the week we  made a Prayer Pillar which developed into a

 Prayer Tent. The children have each written a prayer, thinking carefully about a different part of the Lord’s Prayer.

White – God is holy, we praise God

Blue – we pray for peace and love in the world

Green – thanking God for what he gives us and asking him to help those who need help or comfort

Red – we say sorry for things we have done and ask for strength to forgive others

Yellow – we ask God for his help to do the right things

Purple – we trust in God and have hope in him.

A time to reflect,pray or simply be.


Peace Prayer Doves

Prayer Ribbons

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the Holy Spirit and Pentecost,

Thank you for the world you made and the kind people you put in it.

Thank you for your own son, Jesus and the difference he makes to our lives.

Thank you for the guidance you give in everything we do.


Lord, please help us to remember the attacks, not just in Manchester, France and London but everywhere.

Help us to realise that these attacks are from big bullies

And we can, together defeat them with your love.


Let us put aside our differences in our time of need.

Let us try to amend the damage done and show we care about others as you care about us.


Let us think about those who have lost their lives and remember them.

Thank you God for all the helpers in the world.



Alicia Year 6

